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The iPod mini - mini Review

written by owen, published: 2004-Jan-06, read 12250 times.

Ropy commented: Why would some in their right mind buy an IpodMini over an Ipod, when the only difference between the two is $50 and 9,000 mp3's. Think about it; even if the cheapest Ipod could only hold 4,000 mp'3 you would still be better off getting it over the Mini. Would you sacrifice capacity for weight and size? I sure wouldn't, especially when the Ipod is already slim weights next to nothing. alt.Binaries = Ropy = Same Person. ... read 15 more

life without tables

written by owen, published: 2003-Nov-16, read 30383 times.

iTunes for Windows Review

written by owen, published: 2003-Oct-20, read 13138 times.

Khurt commented: I guess I am not the only one having problems with this God sent program. My MP3 playback is awful, sound really low and the tempo seems too a bit fast sounding like the chipmunks. Anyway hope a reinstall helps. ... read 29 more

the sad truth about the internet

written by owen, published: 2003-Oct-16, read 5082 times.

ending credits

written by owen, published: 2003-Sep-11, read 12197 times.

Jesper commented: Great case. ... read 14 more