The people project » Sailing School
written by Mad Bull, published 2008-Dec-25, comment

Kids learning to sail at the Cayman Islands Sailing Association.
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written by Mad Bull, published 2008-Dec-25, comment
Kids learning to sail at the Cayman Islands Sailing Association.
written by Mad Bull, published 2008-Dec-25, comment
Black. Sleek! Purty. Very Purty! Rimz out! Low, low profiles! Sweeet!
owen commented: it seems to be a [url][caption]toyota celica[/url]. I'm not a fan of coupes though [nasty] ... read 2 more
written by owen, published 2008-Dec-24, comment
Wow. 2008 Done already. Alot of good times and alot of wonderful friends, great posts, good photos, good music. Thank you for the memories. Special thanx to the people who made it a great year. I could go into making lists and charts of top stuff but I'm not going to. Happy holidays to you and yours. Don't make any resolutions you can't keep. Seeya next year.
I spent most of the early part of the year coding the news section and learning about java and office politics.
In May went to see if I contracted something. No not that one, the other one.
I'll put in more as I remember them...
Jamila commented: Happy Holidays, Owen!!! I hope I see you next year too [mocking] ... read 8 more
written by faith, published 2008-Dec-22, comment
I took a set of pictures of me in sort of a dark contrasty environment so I could have something to refer to when trying to learn how to shade faces. I like how this one shows my age so well. I'm 29. These have actually helped a lot!
owen commented: Happy Birthday, New Year, Christmas! [confident] ... read 6 more
written by Mad Bull, published 2008-Dec-21, comment
Pretty, red. Hot car! Mad Bull like!