
Tami's profile

#227, updated 2008-Mar-03, viewed 19631 times, view others.


On a good day Tami is female child, Deviant, 43 years young, hangs around a place called "jamaica".

I have a cool website at Be sure to check it out.

It's important what i think



Interview Questions

What if you are creating the disaster within yourself?

Is this a statement or a question? I don't understand what you are trying to say or ask here. Please elaborate.

Are you doing better than your parents when they were your age?

Quite difficult to measure. At my age they were married, owned a house, car, kids and lots of problems. I'm not married, don't own a house, car or kids and my problems all have solutions.

What were your favorite songs/videos Of 2019?

2019 I'd say was somewhat a disappointment musically. Either that or I'm getting too old and my taste in music is just not changing with the times. Anyhow, I listened to these songs in 2019 and they are yet to be retired from my current playlist.
Bazzi - Paradise
Billie Ellish - Wish you were gay
Why don't we & Macklemore - I dont belong in this club
Taylor Swift - You need to calm down
Cardi B - I like it like that
Jordan Rakei - Nerve
Nas - Everything
Ab-soul - Bloody waters
Stylo G - Stuntin
Koffee - Rapture
H.E.R - Hard Place
Sabrina Claudio - Truth is
Halsey - Without me
Noname - Diddy bop
Tierra Whack - Unemployed
Phony ppl - why I love the moon
Justine Skye - Build
and the list goes on

What are your favourite songs/videos of 2014

About the money - T.I. and Young Thug
Stay High - Tove Lo (Habits remix)
Chandelier - Sia
Rocket - Beyonce
Afraid - The Neighbourhood
Rude - MAGIC

What is the colour of love?

Grey, i think.

Sadly 1 errors occured that you need to fix
%u2022Is that all you can say; Grey, i think.? are your fingers tired? Well you are going to have to type some more.

No i do not.

What are your favourite songs of 2013?

Body Party - Ciara
Adorn - Miguel
Bound 2 - Kanye West
Demons - Imagine Dragons
Dive - Usher
Give it 2 u - Robin Thicke ft Kendrick Lamar
Power it up - Rihanna
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood

Should i go on?

Traveling without moving » Capsule Hotels

written by Tami, published 2020-Jan-29, comment

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I thought this post was fitting since its now 2020.

A few decades ago, now was the future. It's safe to say that I am a little disappointed with the lack of flying cars, robots as our overlords or the possibility of being able to teleport to Europe via a machine like the 'Transporter platform' aboard the 'USS Enterprise-D'. Instead, I get to sit on long flights with minimal leg room and fussy babies. Still, I am grateful to be able to travel. But, suffice to say, I'm not totally disappointed as I have been lucky enough to experience some things, that just a few years ago would be considered 'futuristic'. For instance, self-checkout machines are pretty dope; robot seating at restaurants is wonderful; not to mention self-driving cars, bullet trains going over 200 mph, toilets with warm seats that play music and to say the least, Capsule hotels.

I can remember quite vividly watching a program on Television Jamaica (TVJ) when I was a teen or pre-teen showing how futuristic Japan was. The show noted that Japan had limited spacing which resulted in ingenious ways of accommodating the large population. It highlighted how Japan developed underground parking where you simply pushed a button and your car comes up in an elevator (experienced that, its true). The program also highlighted Capsule Hotels which were made to accommodate people who were traveling and just needed a night’s sleep with a warm shower for a very low price. At the time to me (the 90's), it seemed otherworldly as in the west, we like everything big. Big cars, big houses, big hotel rooms, Big Mac! But here was a country offering a space so small to fit only one person at a time; I couldn't fathom it then, but fast forward to my adult life where I got to experience something I had seen many years ago one afternoon on a random international program in Jamaica.

At about 1.2 meters wide, made of fiber glass, this unique hotel provides private enclosed single futon beds in a sleeping pod or for better wording a 'capsule'. Basic amenities are also provided like a locker to store your luggage and belongings, shared bathroom facilities with shampoo, conditioner and shower gel, body towel, face towel, toothbrush, toothpaste and indoor slippers and returnable sleeping garments. All this for a very small price of ?3000 ~ ?4000 per night. Check in is at 1pm daily and check out usually at 10am the next day. But, if you intend to stay more than one night, you have to check out and re-check in every day at 1pm.

Traditionally, capsule hotels only accommodated males and to this day, there are still male’s only hotels. However, in recent years newer capsule hotels have opened up in accommodating both males and females by providing separate accommodation floors for both. In today’s America, this would make controversial headline news with all the confusion of inclusion of LGBTQXYZABC gender roles. But this is not yet an issue in Japan. These hotels range from very basic, like the one I described and stayed in, to somewhat luxurious which provide spa’s, restaurants and lounge areas.

My stay at the basic hotel was met with somewhat dissatisfaction as the capsules only came with an on/off light switch and a power outlet. I couldn’t adjust the air which was too hot even for winter, which made it difficult to fall asleep. The garments provided for sleep were uncomfortable and restricting for me as typically, Japanese women are small busted and I walk around daily with two big balloons on my chest. The white fiber glass walls were little menacing, akin to somewhat of being in a mental institution and the small capsule might have been a little too claustrophobic for my tastes. I do however plan to stay in a less basic capsule next time, maybe with a TV, air adjustable controls and whatever else they’ll provide. The experience was a 7/10 for me, but might be enjoyable for someone else.

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owen commented: You should attached some pictures but either way I think the future was hampered by spend too much time watching shows about the "future" instead of letting people figure out how to make it actually happen. The parts of the future which we actually get a breadcrumbs versus what was advertised. The same thing is happening today with the future to come; AI, VR, self driving cars are all things that we should have moved on from by now but we hang on "sorta working" memes for years and years hoping that they will eventually work instead of seeing what other things we can fix to make the world a better place. ... read 2 more

Logbook » The New 'Goal' Diggers

written by Tami, published 2015-Nov-20, comment

Are the days where people actually marry because they are in love really gone? Its not in totality, but it definitely is on it's way out. The 21st century men are now more picky in choosing a partner for life, seeing that finances play a pivotal role and is the number one killer of relationships and marriages.

His life partner has to have a job or be carrying in some form of income into the union. Gone are the days, when a man took a wife and promised her family to take care of her. In the olden days, the woman would be responsible for the home and kids, while the man was the sole bread winner. Now, things have changed tremendously as both partners have to take home the bread.

Evidence of this so called new age type of union is evident, even in pop culture and notable in a popular song titled I dont mind by Usher featuring Juicy J. In the song, Usher states that even if shes dancing on the pole as long as shes making her money, he wont mind. Note, Usher is a Grammy award winning singer and song writer. He has sold out many concerts and it would seem that money would not be an issue when it comes to him. Yet, he's the one that has taken on the responsibility of showing men that hey, its ok that even though she doesnt makes her bread conventionally, the fact is that shes contributing to paying the bills.

Three (3) attributes that the 21st century man looks for in a woman he chooses to make a wife.

1. She must be independent Some men no longer want their women to be totally dependent on them financially. Her independence (as long as shes not making more money than him) is vital for the longevity of the relationship. Plain and straight, she must have a job.

2. She must be ambitious Even if she doesn't have the regular 9 - 5 She should have initiative and ambition to want to better herself. Even if it's a hustle, like stripping according to Usher, he wont mind as long as you can help pay the light bill.

3. She must be coming into the union with some form of asset like a house or car or well off family which can help out when times get hard and not her two long hand. The 21st century man is more quick to marry a woman who already has her own stuff or whose family has a business and some links in the business world which he can somehow benefit from. There has to be something that he should be benefiting from the relationship. He is looking for someone who can 'help him out' as well.

While sex is still the most important thing to men; these days, women have to bring more to the table than just sex and a hot body. The value of sex has fallen so drastically, that little importance is placed on actual relationships. Men don't need to wife or wine and dine a girl following the 90 day rule to have sex. Instead, if and when he's ready to settle, his partner has to be exceptional and it doesn't hurt if she has a little change in the bank.

So, to the 21st century man, go forth and prosper. Love is secondary, right?

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owen commented: You'll never know what someone wants and there are limitless possibilities. You can only be one person at a time. ... read 2 more

Tami's profile comments

  1. Tami is an emotional basket case. Shes taller than average and has boobs but don't let that fool you, she isn't what she seems to be.

    by owen 2007-Nov-03 

  2. Lies, all lies.

    by Tami 2008-Jan-09 

  3. mhmmmm boobs.. mhmmmmmm [friendly]

    by taylor 2008-Feb-17 

Tami's profile comment