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And the Sign Says.. » Nothing at all

written by owen, published 2016-Oct-31, comment

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Some signs are just for decoration


The wheels project » Blue Bug, Cuba

written by owen, published 2016-Oct-23, comment

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Post modern Javascript babies (programming)

written by owen, published: 2016-Oct-14, read 3364 times.

Low Life » Waiting in Havana

written by owen, published 2016-Oct-06, comment

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Logbook » Anthem

written by owen, published 2016-Oct-05, comment

The things that I do not "like" keep me on a path. Control is a strong word. I would rather say they are the rudder that guides my ship. No regrets. Some people like ice cream even though it makes them sick. I am the kind of person who would find a better alternative than icecream so that I can redirect my efforts towards something less likely to kill me. Why torture yourself with barriers and wants? I am not one to make excuses but I will avoid. What I cannot avoid permanently I carefully build a tower around. It is not personal. I am not a flower waiting to blossom.

Some people spend their time trying to separate themselves from themselves. Searching for something to hold onto. Trying to go platinum with no features. I have realized long ago that I am apart of the big machinery of life. It is more apparent as I get older that we are retracing the steps of our fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers.   We are the sum of the things we give away.

I have come up on another challenge. I can only imagine that I will overcome it at some point and be able to look back and not remember how it all happened because I forget at times. Minor details about the small steps that you take are hard for me to document or keep track of. Like a monkey swinging from tree to tree won't remember every leaf or branch that passes by. Quick thinking and reflexes or fall to your death. Pride goeth before destruction.

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