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The random photo journal » Mopping

written by owen, published 2025-Mar-07, comment

July 2023

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The wheels project » Abandoned Car

written by owen, published 2025-Mar-04, comment

You dont want to leave your car on the highway for too long. This was left on dyke road for about a month before it completely disappeared. Probably had a flat tire. June 2023

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Video Games » Review - Farcry 3 - Xbox 360

written by owen, published 2025-Mar-02, comment

FC2 disc was faulty

FC2 disc was faulty

Played the game to completion. I am not sure how long it took but I had to stop myself from doing the fetch quests and taking over the encampments. Honestly capturing encampments is the most fun I've had in the game. But I had to get through the story. The game is fun once you get the tools that you need to be effective and craft the bags you need to carry lots of ammo and grenades. I am surprised that 13 years later I finally get to play this awesome game. So many games have followed this formula up until this point.

I could see people playing this game for a very long time. Collecting every treasure, traveling to every corner of the map by foot instead of using fast travel as I did but the options are there, many guns and bullets at your disposal. Its an almost perfect sandbox of shooting or stealthing around with the bow and arrow.

I swear a million people worked on this game creating all the set pieces and loot to find in the sparce jungle. Too bad most of it is pointless only for the most dedicated collector.


Its a good game solid 9/10. It starts a bit slow with the animal hunting and skinning but once you get your skill points up you practically never need to play another FarCry type game after playing this one because they are all the same with different cutscenes. For me its on to the next game but this was certainly a nice ride. I will eventually play blood dragon. Right now its on to Mirrors Edge.


And the Sign Says.. » Hands off

written by owen, published 2025-Mar-02, comment

Pictures from the machine shop. June 2023

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