
Articles, page 7

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General Theory on Dreams and why they are always weird

written by owen, published: 2010-Mar-26, read 4344 times.

Tami commented: Was this an essay? ... read 3 more

The Android fragmentation issue

written by owen, published: 2010-Mar-24, read 3641 times.

Gods Child commented: okay, that was interesting. I like that you can googl e without googling. ... read 3 more

Verbal Diarrhea

written by SE, published: 2010-Feb-12, read 12329 times.

Gods Child commented: John Mayer is of no consequence. . . His saying stupidness doesn't make it so. Just makes him stupid. Really don't care. ... read 5 more

Video Games: Better graphics vs Better Gameplay

written by owen, published: 2009-Aug-03, read 4898 times.

Stunner commented: I'm not that much of a gamer... if at all. So I can't comment. ... read 3 more

The ps3 Sucks

written by owen, published: 2009-Jun-29, read 4454 times.