I cant even remember what I did last year. I must have done stuff. It might come back to me eventually. WEll as usual I redesign the entire website theme Nothing too radical this time More of an improvement over last year. Fixed some bugs. Still has the light dark mode based on your operating system settings.
This might be the blandest redesign I have ever done since like 2012. The only respite is that it switches between light and dark mode based on your browser/computer settings. Maybe during the year I will add more colour to it but its a bit uninspired right now. On older browsers it defaults to white.
The concept of the FOUC page is simply to link to the social media videos,pictures and platforms that relate to the FOU artists as a kind of scrapbook because many things on the internet just flow through the stream never to be seen again. And searching on google sucks. So I finished the html/coding then put it online so people can add their own sharelinks and stuff they are doing - it is a collective mashup. Of course reels disappear so it will mostly be IG posts/yt videos/websites anything that has a share/public link. does it sound simple enough?