Pimp Juice » Absolut Disco 2
written by owen, published 2007-Nov-04, comment

Limited edition gift pack. Well stacked at mega mart
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written by owen, published 2007-Nov-04, comment
Limited edition gift pack. Well stacked at mega mart
written by owen, published 2007-Nov-04, comment
Limited edition gift pack
I need to ask you a coding question.
written by Shonari on 2007-Nov-02, Answer this question10
owen answered: sometimes I wonder if the website has gotten more confusing and complicated over time and other times people just figure it out instantly and I'm like wow it actually works. People are hard to please. The email addy is on my profile page. I feel like doing a redesign ... read 9 more
written by owen, published 2007-Nov-01, comment
You'll notice that I don't post reviews of all the movies I watch because I watch too many movies. Everynow and then I slack off and make a mistake. All that I can say about this movie is that its perfect. If your going to be on the other side of the planet for a day you might as well you watch a movie about a serial killer with a invisible friend. A psychological thriller. Most serial killers have one or many but the one that Mr. Brooks has is different. The movie is good, better than good, perfect. Murder, lies, suspense, mistery, a little nudity and sex at the beginning, brutality, blood but not so much that your grand mother will want to turn off the tele, confusing for people who can't handle multiple plot lines, slow sometimes, all star cast, suspense, action - my rating: 10 out of 10.
mad bull commented: Really? I going to rent it and see if you know what you talking about. [confident] ... read 9 more
bobby answered: [innocent]....using my tongue ... read 7 more