
Guestbook, page 3

Works best if you impart some amount of useful info, comment or question. Sign the guestbook


written by Danielle, published 2004-Jun-29, comment

Interesting site, i really like it .

comment 1

owen commented: why thank you. I try. ... read more


written by adia, published 2004-May-30, comment

hey very interesting stuffs here, luv ur photo too . keep up the good work!

comment 12

owen commented: thanx, you can also submit your own photos to the projects. there is a link there somewhere. ... read 11 more

elyria, oh usa

written by michael halvorsen, published 2004-May-26, comment

thanks for sticking up for me in the waferbaby dev list!

comment 2

Owen commented: There are actually two guys named owen on the mail list but I see your point basically. ... read 1 more

Kingston Jamaica

written by Wolfsburg, published 2004-Mar-01, comment

This is a cool site still. Gonna be coming here often.

comment 9

owen commented: The truth is like the sun, its benefit is entirely dependent on our distance from it. [url][caption]stolen[/url] ... read 8 more


written by matthew, published 2004-Feb-05, comment

another guestbook signed...

comment 16

owen commented: The whole idea of the Guestbook works best of you actually impart so amount of useful information, comment or question. ... read 15 more