
bobby's profile , page 1

#253, updated 2007-Jul-05, viewed 15656 times, view others.

I have a cool website at Be sure to check it out.

I am currently entering deep outerspace

What you see is what you get


Easy going but very difficult. Hardcore to the bone and hate seeing animals die. Love the world but hate most of the people... accept the concept of yin and yan. Hate being around pretentious persons.


I like anything that stimulates me mentally. I am not afraid of the child in me and i like smart people hope to be one some day. so i guess i like this site.

Interview Questions

what have you learnt from 2008?

it is best to forget the past year and move on to the next adventure of the new one

What would you do if you went on your DREAM DATE?!

my dream date would be a pinic, by a very small water fall that trickles into a pond that is also small and has rocks and streams away into an under ground channel, that you'd have to drive about 40miles to reach, and it must be very secluded. I have actually found one like that tooo

If you could say one last thing to an ex, what would it be?

can we see each other again soon

If we can't laugh at ourselves then who can we laugh at?

Uhm laughing necessary

So males do you after females that ignore you?

Nah just try to be with someone who has sense and who can go to matinee with.... the rest works it self out

Cellphones, what are they good for?

...and they also are good for keeping a leash on ya ... not to mention for those who like to cheat .... easy mode of secret contacts and messages ...and it helps criminals to communicate more efficiently ...oooohhh and not to mention lots and lots of jobs and cell sites and sponsorship .... hoooorayyy to.... whatever man [trouble]

The random photo journal » Jamaica Grande testing the best ..... The Main Attraction

written by bobby, published 2007-Jul-19, comment

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I see where Stunner had his rides and Mad Bull had his birds so i got jealous.... and wanted to show off the main attraction

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Stunner commented: Well Bobby, that one looks like fun! I would definitely try that one. ... read 9 more

If you got the chance to live forever would you take it??

Was watching Underworld II and saw the granddaddy of all vampires who had lived for centuries deciding on it is time to go, by way of a massive explosion. Now that got me thinking what it would be like to be able to live forever. With men having searched for the proverbial fountain of youth for years... you have to ask would you have taken a sip... would you like to live for ever? Well when i thought about no damn way ... no way i want to be hanging around for all that time. What say you??

written by Bobby on 2007-Jul-14, Answer this question19

Hayo answered: Absolutely not. I would be bored to tears after the first 60 years. ... read 18 more

Poligonale : Is it possible to love and care for at least two persons??

I have this friend who has his lady and has found himself drifting off in love with another woman and he has no ill feelings towards his present lady. actually he cares for his lady but he finds him self so deeply attracted to the other woman.

written by bobby on 2007-Jul-14, Answer this question6

Mad Bull answered: I think its possible to love two (or more) women, but over time, I believe favourites will emerge. This will lead to some feeling marginalised and eventually, you will be down to one again. Perhaps there really can be only one! [confident] Found the problem posting comments on this site was related to the browser used. I was using Internet Explorer 6. I installed Firefox and its all good again. Wheee!!! ... read 5 more

When making love which is more important from your partner... raw undiluted passion or well honed technique and skill?

... there is no middle ground on tis it is one of both. I had both and i am just not able to distinguish which one was better. But i'm such a passionate guy so i'm thinking it must be passion.....

written by Bobby on 2007-Jun-28, Answer this question20

Gods Child answered: groove is in the heart but sex is in the brain broadcasting frequency is very important ... read 19 more

Guestbook » Portmore

written by Bobby, published 2007-Jun-22, comment

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Some how i think you are the only one capable of figuring out my name "hecklefind". Me i am from outerspace and i am sure we crossed path once somewhere near the outer rims. You are from deep deep space.... hope to get there myself one day.

comment 5

owen commented: uhmmm, I don't know. I'm not really a doctor I just play one on the internet. In real life I spend alot of time sleeping ... read 4 more

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