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The wheels project » 1986 BMW M3

written by michael_halvorsen, published 2005-Jun-04, comment

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#0001 produced for the us market. formerly owned and operated by korman racing.

bad ass car. friend of mine.

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owen commented: one more bmw to the mix but I can only afford to get a honda civic. ... read 1 more

Pimp Juice » chubby soda

written by owen, published 2005-May-31, comment

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Flavour: Blue berry Blast

comment 3

michael_halvorsen commented: you guys have some wacky drinks. ... read 2 more

Drive By » ashore

written by owen, published 2005-May-30, comment

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Drove by this ship 2004_03_07. It is stuck near Black River, Jamaica. I am not too sure exactly where, been there a good while.

comment 18

madbull commented: Not that long... last time I passed by there it was n't there, and that was since MBJr. was born, so thats less than five years ago... Wow, you quick with the remember me stuff eeeh? I must find some web app building work for you, you know... ... read 17 more

The Jamaica photo project » air jamaica

written by owen, published 2005-May-30, comment

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flag ship? national air line. The picture was taken at the kingston air port.

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michael_halvorsen commented: what should we think about it? ... read 10 more

Logbook » Combat Baby

written by owen, published 2005-May-29, comment

I have grown increasingly suspicious of the fast food joint at the mall close to where I live. Where are they getting all that chicken from? They have no delivery entrance. I have yet to see a van pull up and unload a new batch chickens. When does it happen? Late at night, under a full moon by ninjas? I wonder if they are secretly growing chickens in the basement. I have been there before - you can see all the way to the back of the single-story building. You cannot hide anything anywhere in there so a basement chicken farm isn't possible.

Then there is the "star trek theory" - instantaneous atomic chicken actualization. You put some atoms in, push a few buttons and "whaala" a new, perfect chicken appears right on the spot - this also explains why fast food ALWAYS TASTES EXACTLY THE SAME. But no, they could not keep such an impressive piece of technology a secret for too long, not with so many starving children in Iraq. I know corporations are sneaky but not THAT sneaky.

My next logical assumption would be that there exists a series of inter-connected-underground tunnels between each fast-food outlet. Tunnels through which they can maintain a constant supply of chicken and little plastic packets of tomato ketchup. The truth is out there.

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madbull commented: Good thinking!! That last one has got to be it... Oh and the remember me thingie works! Big up! ... read 3 more