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Logbook » Mr Blue Sky

written by owen, published 2005-May-16, comment

Jane wrote: hi owen wats up? i know you dont know who this is but i met you at the mall in dec. u said you never call anyone remember? i think you were going to a party or something. well if you get this email me back ok? KYM.

Owen wrote: oh hello, ok, not sure who this is but I'm cool


Owen wrote: hahaha, your funny, I'm not going to fall for that trick again. are you an ex-girlfriend pissed because I broke your heart? because I'm sorry, I really am, I told you that - I think. I have a bad memory but my intentions were honorable.

Jane wrote: I really dont know wat ur talking about. look maybe someone's done that to you b4 but im not that type of girl. let me try to refresh ur memory a bit. it was in december, you came to the mall to get a haircut or something to go to a party.< i think you said you lived in h.w.t.> im not sure. i used to work at fw and i was on my lunch break. i saw you sitting alone and asked you if i could join you. we had a lot in common. you gave me ur card and told me you worked with computers or something. look if that info dosent ring a bell, i dont know what will.

Owen wrote: Oh sorry about that I think I remember. You were that cute girl talking about getting a new cellphone, a dress or something like that. I took a picture of you I think. How have to been?

Jane wrote: ive been fine, i started school recently and right now im in the process of getting a place of my own {unsuccessfully} anyway thank god u remembered and just in time cause i was about to quit trying to make u anyway ill talk to u later ok?

Owen wrote: uh yeah sure. ok.

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Hayo commented: Heh. wow. That never ever happens to me. ... read 2 more

What are your demands?

Lets say you had some hostages and you were really ignorant and desparate. what would you ask for in exchange for the hostages?

written by owen on 2005-May-09, Answer this question11

Hayo answered: i know this one... shoarma meat? no... wait... spaghetti. ... read 10 more

Logbook » Electric Relaxation

written by owen, published 2005-May-09, comment

Have you ever thought of corned beef? Bulli-Beef as they call it in jamaica. It comes in a can with a special tab at the bottom that you pull around the corners. It doesn't matter which brand you buy they all look and taste the same way. You would expect somebody could think of a way to make it taste different or at least add coloring or something. I have seen people make korned beef from scratch. I think they soak the beef in lots of salt in a bucket. Not a pretty process.

While I was having chicken for lunch on thursday at the Pavilion mall food court. I though to my self "man, they must be killing like a million chickens per day". I am studying for finals so I will not be messing with the website this week I promise. I am trying to avoid anything that requires me to use the other side of my brain.

The driving lesson guy missed my last 3 lessons either he has died in a car accident or is trying to make me forget what I have learned so that I will pay for more lessons. Current lesson count 24 but I don't have a car to practice on so that could account for my mistakes. Its taking longer than I thought it would though.

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michael_halvorsen commented: its finals week for me too. i have a lot i want to do with my website, but i don't have the time to. i do, but its not what i should be spending it on. you don't need a license to drive. nor do you need to own a car. just go find one and steal it. you'll appreciate it more. ... read 4 more

ChangeLog » Sitemap Added

written by owen, published 2005-May-04, comment

Instead of studing for my finals I got distracted and started writing a sitemap - "everything and where to find it". But of course it is not really a sitemap per se because nothing is ever really what it seems. Two years ago if somebody suggested putting all internal website links into the database, I would have said that person is insane. You live, you learn and then you go crazy OOP. No classes though - incase your wondering - a table is a object, a page inherits from a website.

But alas I went ahead and did it, all the SymLinks (47) are now stored and validated against a table that I've created called "sitemap". I also use this table to generate the aforementioned sitemap page. I use wildcards and strict types such as integer to validate the each request (sql cached). So if the page you are trying to access a page that is not in the table then you get a 404. Probably will use Regular Expressions in the future if needs be.

I added some extra RSS feeds too. I changed how the archive page looked a couple moons a long back as well. If your interested there is also some source code. I'm thinking of doing that with every page, but I'm uncertain as to what google will do with it. Some pages for example Logbook are ROBOTS=NOINDEX, softporn is for members only. I did a quick update, if you see anything weird email me at owensoft at yahoo dot com.

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alex commented: explain simlink? ... read 1 more

Drive By » amish drive buggys

written by michael_halvorsen, published 2005-Apr-29, comment

related image

we have amish people here in the states, expecially in southern ohio. they like to drive buggys instead of cars.

comment 10

alexis commented: i've lived in indiana for about a year, and i see them once and a while. when i first moved here i was like.. wtf is this?! lol. ... read 9 more