
Sitemap Added

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written by owen on 2005-May-04.

Instead of studing for my finals I got distracted and started writing a sitemap - "everything and where to find it". But of course it is not really a sitemap per se because nothing is ever really what it seems. Two years ago if somebody suggested putting all internal website links into the database, I would have said that person is insane. You live, you learn and then you go crazy OOP. No classes though - incase your wondering - a table is a object, a page inherits from a website.

But alas I went ahead and did it, all the SymLinks (47) are now stored and validated against a table that I've created called "sitemap". I also use this table to generate the aforementioned sitemap page. I use wildcards and strict types such as integer to validate the each request (sql cached). So if the page you are trying to access a page that is not in the table then you get a 404. Probably will use Regular Expressions in the future if needs be.

I added some extra RSS feeds too. I changed how the archive page looked a couple moons a long back as well. If your interested there is also some source code. I'm thinking of doing that with every page, but I'm uncertain as to what google will do with it. Some pages for example Logbook are ROBOTS=NOINDEX, softporn is for members only. I did a quick update, if you see anything weird email me at owensoft at yahoo dot com.

permanent link. Find similar posts in ChangeLog.


  1. explain simlink?

    by alex 2005-May-05 

  2. symlinks are what they call shortcuts in windows.

    by owen 2005-May-06 
