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The wheels project » Vernamfield July 29, 2015

written by owen, published 2015-Jul-29, comment

Drag racing, race gas and noise polution. NDRC Drag Challenge #3: Vernamfield, Clarendon, Jamaica. The sun was hot as ever and I keep forgetting to buy a hat so I can bring it along with me. I havent bought a hat in forever.

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Logbook » Fade into you

written by owen, published 2015-Jul-29, comment

I got a lot to lose. Everyday we survive by the mercy of the cosmos. I had some other bits and pieces written down but I figured I should "wing" this one. I am not sure what I need. I often try to explain how it all works to other people but they do not understand. They are obsessed with their own worlds. I will deviate just a little bit today.

I have been listening to 4 gigs of Soca music over the past few weeks. I cannot stop. I must continue until I am a wreck upon the tracks. Like a train, rolling down a very steep hill. I am full of focus and all you care about is the little hope you have left. Put your lips to mine, put a little love inside. I know pretty hurts but I have to focus. I cannot miss you because I have too many hobbies yet unfinished. Hunger hurts.

As I said before I had previously written stuff down but I left them too long on the fire until they have lost all meaning. What is life without meaning? How can I set your soul at ease? You are either chasing something down, or preaching to the converted. I do not care either way because all is for a time. And soon all this will be a long time ago.

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Tami commented: Pretty does hurt....a little too much ... read 3 more

Food and Eats » Too Much Sauce?

written by owen, published 2015-Jul-28, comment

Island Grill, Downtown Kingston

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ChangeLog » Mastheads mid-2015

written by owen, published 2015-Jul-26, comment

So far this year I've been playing around with primary-colour patterns for the website masthead and footer. I am never sure what I am gonna do, I just wing it but I have fallen in to a routine now. You can see a list of all the ones (56k warning) I have created over the years. I picked up this habit from dooce some 10+ years ago.

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Living on the edge, noobs and Future geeks (programming)

written by owen, published: 2015-Jul-17, read 14896 times.