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The Jamaica photo project » Hellshire, St. Catherine

written by owen, published 2012-Feb-03, comment

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Viewed from the Twin Sisters.

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Food and Eats » Chicken Chop Suey 2

written by owen, published 2012-Feb-03, comment

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Love, love, love. And the lunch lady topped it off with a tiny piece of plantain.

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Gods Child commented: what, they couldn't catch the chicken? ... read 2 more

Food and Eats » Chicken Chop Suey 1

written by owen, published 2012-Feb-03, comment

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Gods Child commented: I was going to say the plantain was out of place but all the Chinese takeouts in my area sell fried plantain, green and ripe ... read 3 more

SmartPhone Race Jamaica - Why so many Blackberries?

written by owen, published: 2012-Jan-23, read 5370 times.

KB commented: Good Lord man, this article of yours is ridiculous! How is the Android OS fragmented? How is WP7 defective? You must be one of the few people in the world that believes that RIM is doing a good job. You're delusional. ... read 12 more

Logbook » Leave My Body

written by owen, published 2012-Jan-20, comment

In an instant I look over and I see an old woman judging me based on the muffins I have in my basket at the supermarket. Its seems impossible to go anywhere in society today without being judged. Just because I forgot to pick up two pound of flour, sugar, a stick of butter and a bottle of white rum - it does not give you the right to judge me!

School definitely teaches you something, but it does not teach you how to love. If you do not love something and you plan to go to school so that you can learn to love it , then you may be disappointed in the end. Love is what we need. If you love to cook, go to cooking school, you have cooks that make tons of money. Find something to love then find a school. Pay for it in cash or work a couple years as a intern at any company that will take you. Stay away from drugs.

I have work to do. I do not think there was ever a time when I was free of work since maybe high school and even then there would be points when the holiday could not come soon enough. If I am lucky will I will find a way to reduce the contrast between the parts of work that are fun and the parts that exist to torment my soul.

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TheAinzlee commented: interesting... I have a question. Do you think we should do what we can until we can do what we want or just go str8 for the area we love? ... read 2 more