Low Life » Dirt Path
written by owen, published 2011-Sep-14, comment

Its impossible to grow anything along a place where people routinely walk. After a while the ground gets so compacted that not even water can seep into the ground.
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written by owen, published 2011-Sep-14, comment
Its impossible to grow anything along a place where people routinely walk. After a while the ground gets so compacted that not even water can seep into the ground.
written by owen, published 2011-Sep-10, comment
Cutstone walls and floors are incredibly expensive not to mention time consuming to create but they last forever.
written by owen, published 2011-Sep-07, comment
Its back to school time and I'm working on the new website design, the long over due update that should have happened at the beginning of 2011 but nothing ever goes as planned. It is going to have a white background and big masthead pictures just like the ones I had in the past. All that is old is new again. Hopefully I will finish it before I lose my selfish-ways. I've been working on other stuff - You know how I am. Laying pipes.
As for the SoftNews sub-site I've created a new page which shows you only videos, so now you can just click on the video - right on the page - and watch it.
I have some pictures of floors that I think I will put up in a new photo project category. I was thinking of calling it "floor fetish" but a member of the fan club suggested "Low life" instead, which is just twisted enough that it actually seems more logical.
In the months ( well its been a year ) since my last confession I've created a whole other website for my game development side projects - I didn't want to bore you people with that kind of technical mumbo jumbo. Plus since then facebook and twitter have totally blown the hell up and no one has anytime to comment on anything anymore because they have A.D.D. with all the stuff that is floating around on there. I will have everything up and running by the end of the week cause we don't care about the young folks, talking about the young style; and we don't care about the old folks, talkin' 'bout the old style too.
written by owen, published 2011-Sep-04, comment
Based on the the trailor you would think that this was going to be La Feme Nikita but it is not. Seems like every movie must have a parkuor scene. Zoe zaldana plays a skinny black/white girl who grows up to be the little girl from The Professional. The movie plays into every stereotype possible - calling it simple is overstating the movie's plot. It is a movie about clueless cops that have nothing better to do that chase a revenge serial killer for 5 years only to solve the whole case in 5 minutes of stumbling across clues. It all reminds me of the movie Salt, in its need to craft unnecessary and complicated action sequences to wow the simple minded.
While I was watching the movie I hoped she would eat a hamburger or a cow or something. I can only assume she runs on solar energy. The sence of deja vu is rampant with scenes and sections ripped from the original movie. Anybody who has watched The Professional will be like "I have seen this before!".
Because the movie is PG13, most people die offscreen and there are no scenes which I would call jaw dropping, unless you enjoy seeing Zoe partially naked and barebacked. I give it 5 out of 10. Its a pretty average movie with a skinny girl kicking butt. Wait until its on cable or watch The Professional - its much better.
TheAinzlee commented: wow dude, you smack this movie pretty hard... I shall wait until the DVD to see what's up and then we shall have a good convo ... read 4 more
written by owen, published 2011-Sep-02, comment
Facebook is like the new planet of the apes movie. Tons of people will still like it, even though its nothing but pointless tripe. It is the same problem, trying to convert millions of people to watch Hanna (which is a much better movie IMHO ) by saying that Hanna is better than a movie full of CGI monkeys is not going to work. Real change only happens at the most basic level down to the very core of the soul of the individual. Aside from that nothing will ever change and you have no no other choice but to watch and laugh and try not to get accidentally killed by the ignorance that you must endure. Hell is other people.
Some particular songs you often find yourself singing in the in bathroom, make absolutely no sense. It is often just a sequence of notes and sounds organised in way that you brain seems to enjoy repeating over and over. I am not sure why, the dog days are over. It is not often obvious why some people like one thing and others like something else, or why a large amount of people have no opinion on anything at all. It is almost like they are sheep being lead to pasture, eating the same grass every day with no hope of chicken.
I find it annoying if you have no opinion or perspective on anything, just going along with the flow of what everybody else is doing, living off borrowed opinions and projected memories seen through the window of a glass house that is moving ever so slowly in front you. One day someone will kick you in the nuts.