Traveling without moving » Shore
written by owen, published 2011-Aug-22, comment

A bit of shore in front of the Airport in Kingston.
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written by owen, published 2011-Aug-22, comment
A bit of shore in front of the Airport in Kingston.
Gods Child commented: are people allowed to go up in the light house? ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2011-Aug-22, comment
Somebody had a little extra cash. Saw this at a gas station in Portmore.
written by owen, published 2011-Aug-22, comment
As I was waiting I decided to collect a couple rocks for mom's garden.
owen commented: Its just missing a "b"! ... read 5 more
written by owen, published 2011-Aug-12, comment
A people with a LOT of money have invested in some pretty mediocre things that often get replaced in a year or two. The amount if money invested and the amount of lines of code and time invested in a over engineered stack of cluster fuck features has never been a measure of what I would consider "quality". Some times you have be willing to jump from the wagon, or go against the grade. There is a common misconception that the tool you use is somehow will guarantee you success but such is not the case. A competent man can kill just as well with a knife as with a gun. In fact even a incompetent has the potential to be all he can be given the right or wrong hammer depending on how far your are from the epicentre of the catastrophe.
All tools suck in their own way. Some in more ways than one. It is a given reality is software today, yesterday and for the foreseeable future. It is always a guessing game when it comes to testing and evaluation. The question usually relates to either trying to solve a problem, as opposed to following the crowd. Or to rephrase; Its a question of whether to solve a particular problem with custom code or do I throw a tool at it and hope it sticks long enough for me pay my bills.
In any and everything (including software and monkeys) people will divide into groups. We are all fanbois of something or the other. Anybody who says they are not a fanboi is lieing or will most likely turn out to be a spy for the other-side. Money talks and you either run out or you stay gassed up. There is no magic solution. There will always be the Windows versus Apple versus Linux crowd, The SAP verus Oracle versus IBM versus Microsoft crowd. The key is sticking to your path, and reaching your milestones as quickly as possible. Commitment and a clear vision is absolutely necessary. Humans by nature are fickle creatures, sometimes far sited, sometimes focusing on the current ignorant to future gains that will be made by short term suffering. Hold your head and soldier on, eventually they'll get it.
written by owen, published 2011-Aug-09, comment
I saw this new bag of chips from Costa Rica on the shelf of the super market. Dispite the fact that it tastes like real ripe plantains, I didn't like it too much. A co-worker suggested that they should not be salted - that salt does not go well with ripe. I don't know, it didn't catch on with me. I'll stick to the regular green plantain variety - its much better in my opinion.
Gods Child commented: sweet plantain chips are a bad thing. We should try to rid the earth of them. Some plantain chips that I buy make the extra effort to declare on the label "Not Sweet"! I thank them kindly. ... read 14 more