Traveling without moving » Random Graffiti
written by owen, published 2011-Jun-23, comment

Cross Roads, Kingston Jamaica
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written by owen, published 2011-Jun-23, comment
Cross Roads, Kingston Jamaica
written by owen, published 2011-Jun-23, comment
Its kinda random. You never know if you are going to get a big-ole piece of tomato in it. You would think that it was easy to stuff some cabbage, tomato and a thin slice of cheese into a beef patty but it apparently is not so. Or maybe I am just salt to always end up getting the top slice of the tomato - you know the part that is so solid that it feels like you are biting into a unpeal orange. Yes, maybe its my fault. I would not expect them to throw away all the tops but it is annoying!
written by owen, published 2011-Jun-23, comment
Made from the best stuff? what?
comment 2
Gods Child commented: Better than average stuff in fact ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2011-Jun-15, comment
The funny thing about getting older is your ability to look at things outside of yourself with a sort of cock-eyed pessimism. I'm not sure if it is the same for everyone. But I have this new found sense of scoope when it comes to certain things that used to puzzle me when I was younger. Now these things are measured on in there ability to cause me never-ending pain. As opposed to when I was younger there was always a potentional to be exponenially happier than I was at the moment. I feel as if I'm heading towards a higher level of singularity. Or maybe I'm losing some marbles. Eitherway I have clearly passed one tipping point or tripped over another.
I still like video games however, and chicken - cannot get tired of the chicken. I hope to one day achieve my wings and fly to heaven or better yet get drunk off cafiene and fly to Barbados. Blew up from the ground like NASA. Like a buttery. The view outside the glass house is very different from the inside, even though you are seeing the same thing; everything is less cloudy from be refracted by the glass. Duke Nuken Forever is coming out finally.
I usually avoid taking money for projects before I complete them but this was a special case. I wonder if I should buy a new television or an expensive cellphone. There are so many facinating things that are waiting for better batteries. My electricity bill is through the roof. I probably should invest in some solar panels but it has been raining none stop for the past 10 days.
owen commented: can't really keep water too long before it goes bad ... read 8 more