Food and Eats » Cuddy's Burger
written by owen, published 2011-May-13, comment

and fries
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written by owen, published 2011-May-09, comment
Not bad but you could count the pieces of chicken. Lunch lady was being really stingy with the chicken - maybe she thought I was trying to lose wieght or something - I WANT MORE CHICKEN!
Gods child commented: At least they didn't try to make up for it with tomato ... read 2 more
written by owen, published 2011-May-09, comment
Somebody wasted quite a bit of blue paint on this building.
written by owen, published 2011-May-06, comment
I know I have been posting nothing but Food pictures lately. I happen to get into these self destructive habits where I find something cool and I just keep doing it, like a monkey, until I get bored or I have exhausted all possible permutations of the problem. I hate calculus 2 though, that stuff is evil. I find something interesting and I will gnaw at it until there is nothing left - I'm not obsessive, I just like having a river to swim in.
I said I was going to redesign the website, I will get to it eventually, I have been working on secret stuff for other people so that I can get more money cuz I need more drugs. Added to the fact that I have been building a game for the past 3 months. The game does not contribute to my need for drugs, it contributes to my asexual tendency/need to play with myself. I try to balance things out or maybe I am just avoiding the problem of world hunger and cold fusion. I donot know.
I will get back on track eventually, one way or the other. I imagine that if I take enough naps in a day, drink 8 glasses of water - I should eventually get so tired that I will get up and do something. I am half way there. What is life without a series of unpredictable annoyances? Anyway I only have a few more food pictures left. And if all goes well and the world doesn't kill me I will fall right in sync with the rhythm of nature.
Gods Child commented: do you really have to redesign the website? ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2011-May-06, comment
I don't know what this is, I saw it on a wall up at Building in Utech. Looks illegal, anybody know what it is?