The random photo journal » Banana fritters
written by owen, published 2010-Jun-23, comment

I will work on the presentation another time, I just bought too many bananas, so I put them to good use before they spoiled.
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written by owen, published 2010-Jun-23, comment
I will work on the presentation another time, I just bought too many bananas, so I put them to good use before they spoiled.
faithy commented: Yummy! I'm sorry "Yummy!" was not a sufficient comment. I won't grab my dictionary, but I do like the banana fritters idea for bananas about to go bad. ... read 2 more
written by owen, published 2010-Jun-23, comment
After you wash a car it only stay clean for like one day. Unless of course you live in america where you have no environment or wildlife.
spruce holdings commented: yute that look like a honda fit or logo ... read 2 more
written by owen, published 2010-Jun-08, comment
I may have mentioned that I hate living in interesting times. It is a chinese curse. At some point in the future people are going to look back and wonder what the hell were there people thinking. No only are we killing each other off (as usual) but now we killing everything in the Gulf of Mexico. I am waiting for the first picture of a dead sperm whale. It is really is a catastrophe.
On the home front; people are still making ugly babies. Doing it for the kill. State of emergency. I am waiting patiently for the police and army to come and raid my house. Or better yet call a surprise curfew on my area. But Portmore gets no love. Light a fire in your new shoes. Even the mayor comes on Prime time news complain about the stuff thats not getting done. Mosquitoes in for the Kill.
On the other side of the world in Guatemala big holes are appearing in the ground, hurricanes and volcanoes are erupting like we are living in a Micheal Bay movie. All I want to know is what Tiger woods is thinking at this moment. There is even a natural dam caused by a landslide in Attabad village in Hunza district of northern Pakistan. Mother nature may be angry or something. Shock me like an electric eel.
Mad bull commented: >> No only are we killing each other off (as usual) >> but now we killing everything in the Gulf of Mexico. Yes, this is very, very distressing! I went to the beach Sunday gone and the water was so beautiful, and the lime was so irie, and I had visios of the whole scene covered in oil and it were not pretty! BP better get help and fix this crap up, yo! >> Mother nature may be angry or something. Tell me about it! ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2010-Jun-08, comment
So yesterday Steve Jobs bust the place with the new ihone 4.0. And as usual I am pissed but I am not the only one. The Iphone 4 does nothing but disappoint me at every possible turn. As I was discussing with Camille of the iphone 4 is more of the same with a better screen and still no SD card slot. To add insult to injured we now have to which to something called a "micro sim card". Which in itself is total BS. A micro sim cock maybe good in the customer driven garbage dump with is the USA. But in poorer nationals we can't just throw shit away for no reason and god knows how long before our local cellphone provides upgrade their systems.
Camile: Why you need an SD card slot? ...
if it had a SD card slot they wouldn't need to keep selling you the same 32gigs of memory over and over for a $100. But I guess its all part of apple's evil plot. No, of course you don't need it. :!
The current prices for apple products usally look something like this;
Ipad - 16GB - $499.00
Ipad - 32GB - $599.00
Ipad - 64GB - $699.00
I am sure many apple uses have several iphones that are either old or broken but still have 16gb of good memory in them that you have to keep buying over and over again. I'm sure the Ipad uses the same storage medium as the iphone. The storage thing is simply a retarded, money grabbing scheme by apple.
I could go on and on about their so called "innovation" but I don't want to be a killjoy. Major feature is that it looks good (better than 90%). Everything else is bait.
There are millions of things that "just work", toasters, refrigerators, but the iphone is special. The iphone just works for a time. How long it "just works" is totally dependant on apple. A SD card slot basically doubles the lifespan of any device that has one. After a year of use stability and reliability go out the window. It is designed to be constantly replaced.
Iphone 4 changes Everything Again! Hells yeah.
Last years iphone screen was the shit, now the new iphone 4 screen is the shit and last years phone is REALLY the shit. You can't improve something that is already standard and call it a feature. Talk to somebody about having a problem with the original iphone and they will simply laugh in your face. Of course this may seem to the reader as alittle thing compared to the awesome "Retina" screen and the "porn Facetime". But a hi-res screen is only going to make you use up more memory storing/looking-at big-ass images.
OMFG. If I hear the HD Acronym again I'm going to flip out and spill oil in the gulf of mexico. Seriously, who has time to be recording and upload those big-ass HD movie files? Can you simply just give me 480 widescreen resolution? Or is that impossible?
OMFG. Putting in a bigger batter is not improving batter life.
I have no complains about this. They can do whatever they want. Why the old iphones can't do it is very puzzling.
So now I have to be always connected to the net so I can use my free applications? Now every free application will come hooked up with this iAD bull? so I have to be connected to the net to use the free apps? Sadness. I don't like this very much either.
Well now my choices are either to get the iphone 4 or the windows 7 series phone series. But the WP7SS has had basically no information in the press recently. If I get the iphone 4 I will certain be selling my soul and wasting my money to "try-out" for a year (hopefully without breaking the screen) and be forced to sell it when the battery dies or i run of space.
Don't even mention and android phone. I like a phone that I can update without waiting on my carrier. What the crack head? Eclipse development? No thank you. The Android phone suffers from the opposite problem of the iphone; the android software stack sucks.
comment 6
JB commented: "A SD card slot basically doubles the lifespan of any device that has one." – Why the hell should that be??? "But a hi-res screen is only going to make you use up more memory storing/looking-at big-ass images." – Not necessarily. That also depends on how the images are compressed. "Seriously, who has time to be recording and upload those big-ass HD movie files?" – Obviously more than you think! "Why the old iphones can't do it is very puzzling." – They can, soon as the new OS comes out. For free. "So now I have to be always connected to the net so I can use my free applications?" – Who told you that? Nobody. My head almost explode while reading this uninformed bullshit. Let's get to the point: You're just pissed off because you can't afford it. Right? ... read 5 more
written by owen, published 2010-May-28, comment
I was listening to Mutty on the radio this morning. He is saying that this is the price we have to pay. Its not looking good for Jamaica at all. At some point we have to forget about tourism and worry about what really matters: the people of Jamaica.
The jokes are building up as fast as the rumors and the death count. The people who live outside of the danger zone have nothing to do but pray and coin new jokes about the situation that few of us have lived to experience. PEOPLE ARE THROWING STONES IN THE DAMN GLASS HOUSE.
The latest slogan I heard; Osama-Bin-Dudus. LOL, I myself take serious thing make joke but what else is there to do? The whole Tivoli Gardens thing is turning into a Bush-Sadman-WMD tragedy; 77 killed and 6 guns found? Something is definitely wrong with those number. I can't even link to all the news and rumors that is coming out, it is just too much and changing too rapid.
The whole thing also has a splash of Hitler in it IMHO, especially since people keep talking about "bombing" Tivoli aka genocide. Clearly these have never been to the community and are warm at home with their microwave ovens and FB. Tivoli itself is quiet a big place. Not to mention the concentration camp that is housing 500+ adult and young males at the National stadium which as being "processed". I can't remember the last time I was processed and I doubt I would like it very much.
Lets not talk about FB and twitter because everybody is either quoting somebody or spreading hearsay.
Others about mass graves in May Pen Cemetery and dead bodies being burnt/dumped. Mothers and daughter who may never be able to collect the bodies of relatives. I am not sure how long it takes a body to start decomposing but it seems to be hasty.
There is just too much news, pictures and rumors. Too many parallels to draw. Your opinion is as good as mine cause i'm not going down there to see for my self.
comment 4
RB commented: It is not an easy road. For years the people of Jamaica have taken second place to the importance of tourism, they still do especially with the current administration who is less likely to respond nationally when we have one of our periodic upraise in crime, and its a damn shame. It's mostly black poor people dying anyway so who cares right. I am ashamed and applauded at the extreme greed and selfishness of our business people and politicians. The ordinary Jamaican us are to escape blamed as well. I am a little angry and must vent but it is really time to look for solutions, real solutions and enough talking lets start the walk. By the way love Facebook and twitter the internet and social networking have changed Jamaica News hence politics and so-forth just as how it impact other places in the world, we are more connected and the truth is almost impossible to hide when we can share what we see and ponder ideas in the public domain, there will be speculations but even "official" media suck in this regard with their half truth and agendas. Bless ... read 3 more