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Logbook » Blame it on the boogie

written by owen, published 2009-Jul-07, comment

When I woke up this morning I wondered if I wanna be starting something. Or if I got to be starting something. I may be too high to get over or stuck in the middle. It seems as if you actually can't live forever, no matter how famous you are. The liberian girl will always come back for her books. I mean, what if you stare at the man in the mirror and realise that he is a Dirty Diana or a stranger in Mosco? What if you don't know who you are? What if you can dance or shake your body down to the ground? No one wants to be defeated.

I don't know, fine, you win but that movie was a awful souless piece of masterbatory garbage. It is really a rare treat, vapid, jejunity. Some wonderful in us died last week when that movie came out. We will never be the same. The only life worth living is a life lived for others.

We are all victims of our desires. I am 65 days behind on my Dilbert comic strips. Everything is amazing yet no body is happy and it is impossible to keep track of it all. The internet is just full of stuff. Pornographic memory can only get you so far. But all I have to say is if ANYMORE one of mothers and fathers just wake up and decide for some random-hippy reason that your going to leave the internet - I'M NOT GOING TO THINK ITS FUNNY!

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Mad Bull commented: I take it this is your Michael Jackson tribute? ... read 2 more

What are your thoughts on dating the ex girl/boyfriend of a good friend?


written by Tami on 2009-Jun-29, Answer this question16

Gods Child answered: I try not to think about it. That's just icky. Are people in such short supply? Or is your friend just a chew them up spit them out kind of boyfriend mill? Then maybe you need to run in a new set. ... read 15 more

The ps3 Sucks

written by owen, published: 2009-Jun-29, read 4467 times.

unwelcome phone calls, sex, lies and video tape?

Some romantic relationships experience a point where unwelcome phone calls disturb the peace, or the war, whatever. . .what should one do about them?

A good friend received a phone call from a female, explaining some things that the boyfriend later denied. Good friend is pretty far along, pregnant for boyfriend.

How should she handle it? What would you do?

written by Gods Child on 2009-Jun-29, Answer this question5

Tami answered: Abort the child and pour hot oil down his ears while he sleeps or she could try confronting him and if he denies then take next step of having a 3 way conversation with the female the bf and the 'good friend'. If the situation is to no avail, let it be and wait till 2 years later and poison him making sure she and the child is already in the will. I'm just saying [sorry] ... read 4 more

Movies » Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Review

written by owen, published 2009-Jun-25, comment

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Hmmmm....what can I say about this movie? It is full of action and if you are a fan of the first movie then you will most likely love Revenge of the Fallen. Apart from that basically the movie is simply a series of pointless action scenes that carry you from one place to the other.

The most fun I had in the entire movie is from watching Megan Fox's breasts bounce in slow motion as she runs through the hot desert sand. The movie simply has no soul.

There are a few jokes here and there. Scenes ripped from much better movies such as Titanic, Armageddon, Perl Harbor, Hackers, The Matrix, Top Gun and ...whatever else. Its like a Clip Art movie, stock footage is everywhere. But as a whole, the movie has no sense of time, space, speed or distance. Things just happen, sometimes in human time, other times in robot time. Things happen, People talk, things happen. You are never really sure how far anybody is from everybody else. Its a disjointed, holy mess of a story.

In Conclusion; it a 2 hour odd thrill ride that is full of random action scenes. Only for people who love fighting robots, slow-mo shots and comedy. My rating; 6 out of 10. Average. Rent or Cable.

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Gods Child commented: thanks I won't bother I was already thinking this chick was totally lame and belonged in the 1930s ... read 16 more