I was eating lunch down stairs with the other people because sometimes its hard to be hungry and to haul your food up to the third floor just so that you can watch television and socialize with the people you work and play dominos with every, single, day, of, the, week. I have to spread the love around. That hurricane was over promoted.
It is almost like being in a cage and people constantly passing it, buying vowels and saying good morning in somewhat of a "drive-by" fashion. Did you improve on the design? Did you do somethin' new? When you live in a constantly changing world you get bored easily. I don't talk alot. Which maybe a surprise to many, that I, (of all biological beings) would have the capacity to be bored. But it happens.
Tommorow will you bring me sorrow? Stay and say you love me? Will you change your mind. Everything is slightly different for some strange reason but nobody else seems to notice that the sun took a little bit longer to rise this morning. Or that 5 white cars are parked across the road. These things annoy me endlessly.
After yesterday's question somebody in the government decided to start hyping Gustav (the clouds over Haiti) as a hurricane. I hear people buying up groceries and battening down windows. Dem clouds been over there for like a week. You'd think people know what a hurricane looks like by now.
I hope the OUR is looking into those JPS billing problems as of recent.
So back to the issue of yesterday's question. I propose we capture Haiti. We'll call it New Jamaica. Even though my technical advisors are not in agreement with my brilliant plan, a bigger island would allow us to do "big island stuff" and work on the whole "brand Jamaica" thing. Cuba is out of the question - too many issues, too many issues. All in favour say yay.
As shock ripped through the island like bad case of heart burn. It had seemed like a sure win. If I had a video camera shown the sound of silent shock that ripped through the face of the audience as the announcer continued after stating "Jamaica has lost". Its like having your cake and getting a free one which you proceed to drop in a river.
People set out for the work day dress in the black, green and GOLD colors of the national flag tears of disappointment ran down their faces. Many wagonists blamed it on not having fresh legs in the event. But the difficulty in relays is not only the running but the passing of the baton. USA never drop the baton 2 times simply because dem salt. Its actually hard.
Hopefully this doesn't happen in the men's 4x100 final. As Asafa Powell is already having a bad day. A bad ending to the whole thing would only put a dark shadow on what has been achieved in the Olympics so far.