The random photo journal » And So it ends
written by owen, published 2008-Jan-11, comment

to rise again
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written by owen, published 2008-Jan-11, comment
to rise again
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Gods Child commented: I suppose it's time to take the tree down ... read 9 more
written by owen, published 2008-Jan-06, comment
2008! YES!!! Finally I can change the theme without being seen as a style whore with A.D.D. So far it seems that it will be more white less colors, bigger text and more class. Like a apple mac or a wii. Let me know if you hate it. The old theme will be in the settings but as you know you have to login to get that sorry.
I'm going to add 2 new sections;
Some readers might notice that the more sections I have the less I post in logbook - its true.
ID commented: y u being more blonde with bueaty spell like that on the page? you write about bueaty??? i dont like this layout it makes me feel retarded :x ... read 15 more
written by owen, published 2008-Jan-06, comment
Didn't have as many huricanes as promised. A slew of murders towards the end of the year. JLP won. Cashplus brought to light the fact that banks are money loving bastards and pretty soon gold will be the recommended way of saving your money. Even none commercial banks have started charging transaction fees under the quiet. Sooner thatn later they will have scanners in the doors that charge you everytime you walk into the bank office - double if you try to look the teller. more later
comment 6
coward anon (ok so its ID but u knew that already) commented: lol why u a look di bank teller dem, u jus waah a link inna di bank. does that thing really say i should " totally" comment? you're so blonde... and gay :P lol ... read 5 more
written by owen on 2008-Jan-02, Answer this question9
Gods Child answered: when I decided that life was worth living ... read 8 more
written by owen, published 2007-Dec-31, comment
After working late facading my facades on the Friday of a weekend times 2. Absolut Disco in hand, houses with wrong numbers, off dead end streets, too far to walk, too near to fly. Too much eye shadow.
Fresh young lady, hair like Toni, ass like woo and the sexy lady next to her. I asked her to love me but she didn't want to love me. I am waiting on the food before I go, tempted to touch, shorty smile like she on drugs, instrumentals playing the background, new school, old school, 1976. The regulars chatting about vampire movies, I am Legend, WIFI. Cashews spread out on the table, solar lawn lamps give off a dead glow as I listen. Soap got served, don't ask whats in it, its soup - you can assume its magical.
By the end of the year the cake didn't go too well with the cranberry 1/4 vodka, shorty deleted all the good pictures and the guy was 2 hours late - unschooled to the rules. I'd reject you but I can't follow through, all we can hope for is that one of us dies young. My only resolution is that I'll try to be less contrived next year, its all I've learned how to do, I've forgotten how it started.
Stunner commented: Interestingly confusing! ... read 12 more