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The random photo journal » Rainy day

written by owen, published 2020-Nov-13, comment

Needed to buy some juice.

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Street Photography » Coronation Market, part 2 of 10

photos by owen, published 2020-Nov-11, comment

You would think that only fruits, vegetables and ground provisions would be sold at a market but you would be surprised that the place is like a variety store. In this set you will see everything from a pin to an anchor.

Soap and brushes

Soap and brushes



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Knives and door locks

Knives and door locks

Strainers and racks

Strainers and racks

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Street Photography » Coronation Market, part 1 of 10

photos by owen, published 2020-Nov-10, comment

Taking a break from the black and white I went to the market in Downtown Kingston. Mostly lots of green produce but also a lot of people. I took alot of pictures because it is a big market and I only covered a small section of it. Getting the hang of shooting street photography in Jamaica requires constantly looking for unique shoots in a busy market as opposed only shooting a few pictures as I did my past trips. I took a lot of pictures in colour on this trip; roughtly a 160. Curated down to 10 sets which I will post over the coming week. Here is the first set.

Tivolli in the background.

Tivolli in the background.

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And the Sign Says.. » No Vending

written by owen, published 2020-Nov-07, comment

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Street Photography » Portmore

photos by owen, published 2020-Nov-07, comment

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