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Plant Life » Flowers

photos by owen, published 2019-Dec-06, comment

Appleton Estate Rum Experience, St. Elizabeth. My little camera is still holding on for dear life.

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Logbook » Knee Socks

written by owen, published 2019-Dec-05, comment

Do not worry about the future. Enjoy your days and sleep well at night. If you cannot sleep well stay up late into the night so that your body is so tired and it falls a sleep. The future writes itself. All you can do is prepare for it. Be ready. Your future dreams and aspirations are not good if you die before they happen. So you have to be stead fast now and patient. Like a snake in the tall grass or a monkey.

I need to find a new pocket camera but old one is showing its age like a old fishing rod that wont catch any new fish. I have a few options in a wide price range. I may have to buy one a little more expensive than I usually purchase because I want to get go headshots - your vest. I have very exacting specifications because of how I am. But nothing is like is perfect - everything has trade offs. I simply choose my safe space carefully and wrap up inside it like a warm blanket. Every now and again I peek out from the top of my tree house and I say ohy!

I am still thinking about writing that driving in Jamaica manual. I am slowly soaking out the fear that I might jinx myself by writing about something that is clearly a day to day struggle for survival in a concret jungle built of steal, gaskets and rubber. I should really get a dash cam but that would require me to do some research into the various types on the market and I can only be obsessive-compulsive on one thing at a time so maybe next year. Crash and burn myself out.

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The Jamaica photo project » Appleton Estate Rum Experience, St. Elizabeth

written by owen, published 2019-Dec-03, comment

Its almost a one hour tour where you learn about rum distillation and donkeys. It is extra worth it if you like Appleton rum or rum in general. The tour is well designed and moves at a steady pace. Parking is adequate. Bring your id if you look young because alcohol. Tour cost 20 USD or 2500JMD roughly. Locals get a reduced rate. 8 out 10 because how much rum can one actually drink?

Tour starts out with your choose or Appleton Rum or Appleton Rum

Tour starts out with your choose or Appleton Rum or Appleton Rum

You watch a video about rum

You watch a video about rum

Guide talks about rum

Guide talks about rum

Cane Juice tasting and pressing

Cane Juice tasting and pressing

Mini photoshoot segment

Mini photoshoot segment

Molasses tasting.

Molasses tasting.

Rum Tasting

Rum Tasting

Gift shop

Gift shop

The grounds are well taken care of and they have working water fountains.

The grounds are well taken care of and they have working water fountains.

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Pimp Juice » Appleton Estate Rum Experience

written by owen, published 2019-Dec-01, comment

Drove all the way to St. Elizabeth. 10 minutes into the tour I had already reached my rum limit - apparently I was drinking it too fast. I should have asked for more ice. Rum starts to circulate in your body really fast. For the rest of the tour I had to drink nothing but water. Was it worth the $2500 JMD cost per person? hmmm I say it depends on how much you like rum. I am more of a bourbon/light vodka kinda guy. more pics later.

Joy Spence is someone important but I forgot why.

Joy Spence is someone important but I forgot why.

Need bigger ice.  12 year rum.

Need bigger ice. 12 year rum.

You get one free drink with the entrance fee. And free water afterwards.

You get one free drink with the entrance fee. And free water afterwards.


The random photo journal » Bull Bay Beach

written by owen, published 2019-Nov-28, comment

Still doing the Black and White thing.



lost keys

lost keys

clean up our beach today

clean up our beach today

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sand and gravel

sand and gravel

television shell

television shell

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