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SOLID OOP is kinda strange (programming)

written by owen, published: 2015-Jun-23, read 2978 times.

The random photo journal » Leaves

written by owen, published 2015-Jun-19, comment

I don't even remember why I took this in April while I was in Florida. I take random photos sometimes which is why I have an entire project. You can even submit your own pictures.

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Some things I learnt about SQL (programming)

written by owen, published: 2015-Jun-16, read 3222 times.

owen commented: TRUNC is not all bad it does have a purpose when used. It takes off the time part of the date making the comparison a whole date without the time getting mixed in. Without trunc you would have to use '31-JAN-2015 23:59:59' to get the last hours included in the results. So don't go changing stuff that works without knowing the side-effects and testing. If it aint broke..... ... read 2 more

The wheels project » Replaced my headlight bulb

written by owen, published 2015-Jun-15, comment

Thank heavens that they were not HID bulbs. A replacement halogen bulb was just $3 USD. DIY to the world! On my previous car I accidentally let the bulb fall into the head light - nightmare to get it out. Luckily with the advancement in technology that is impossible to re-occur.

Engine bays of cars nowadays have gotten smaller and smaller that I thought the task of getting into the space that houses the headlights might have required professional. Luckily with a little jiggling I got out the plastic part that blocked the cover for the light.

This little thing was in the way

This little thing was in the way

Very tight space

Very tight space

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3 bucks woohoo!

3 bucks woohoo!

Secondary air intake right below the low bean cover.

Secondary air intake right below the low bean cover.

Looks like the top cracked open releasing the gas that keeps the lamp working.

Looks like the top cracked open releasing the gas that keeps the lamp working.

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Logbook » Heavy metal and reflective

written by owen, published 2015-Jun-09, comment

We all come to a point from which there is no return like when you step out onto a beach and your feet become wet with emotion. Sand is everywhere. Cry me a river or, let me swim in your tears. All we live for is comfort. We love comfort, we yearn for it, we try, spend our lives trying and starting over, and drama. What is life without drama? At some point it no longer becomes sustainable. Time passed cannot be regained. Move forward while our memories keep us warm at night.

The limit is the sky. I need to get back my primary mission of solving the problem of hunger in Africa. Or better yet saving a bus full of people so I can get a medal on hero's day. While you gone, netflix on your couch. I may have become too obsessed with saving myself, going back to the start, being cautious while crossing the street, a life of comfort. I need to get back to enjoying the moment, listening to the emptiness of time as it passes us by. Looking out for the opportunity to save a life.

Life is a shared experience. Take nothing for granted. We are on a journey to something. Some folks are born, made to wave the flag. I am not sure what. Shit happens. Hold me while I am here. Take the good times and the bad times, roll with the punches. We are all competing in a game of who can eat the most. Am I a bad person? Are you a bad person? Are we bound by our desires and our wants? Ball and chain to a brick wall. We both want it until one of us gets eaten or flung under the bus of life. I am a fortunate son waiting for an escape. Just another day that keeps me breathing.

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