written by owen on 2008-Sep-07.
The BodyShots category is active. I still haven't gotten back my camera. Will somebody please christen the category with a picture that sets the precedence. Lets pray this doesn't turn bad.
I also changed the home page making it simpler and lighter. Its like 4 kb with rotating images using jquery. yay for jquery.
NB. Also note that the images you upload should be in landscape form. meaning that they should not be portrait or this is going to happen.
The "are you sure?" javascript popup confirmation was also removed as per request by the lazy people.
permanent link. Find similar posts in ChangeLog.
Like the new look. Glad to see you started the BodyShots category, now I only need some models.
by Stunner 2008-Sep-10
Lemme ask a question. You only want pictures we have taken ourselves, right?
by madbull 2008-Sep-10
yes, only original stuff. No use posting pictures from other sites or you can get from other sources. Those can be posted in news.
by owen 2008-Sep-11
Look when Einstein decides to tell us what type of pics to upload; after the fact.
by Tami 2008-Sep-10
I thought everybody else was as smart as i am. apparently some people lied on their resume.
by owen 2008-Sep-11
Maybe you need to formulate a rules list of what we can what we cant do here. I'm getting frustrated. I want a refund!!
by Tami 2008-Sep-13
im with Tami
by Pepper 2008-Sep-15
I really don't see the difficulty in 1 little rule geezz
by owen 2008-Sep-15