
And the Sign Says.., page 7

you got to have a membership card to go inside. post a photo of a sign

Bar Ladies Room

written by owen, published 2013-Aug-03, comment

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An old sign that is in the Ward Theatre Downtown kingston Jamaica.


Ladies Room

written by owen, published 2013-Aug-03, comment

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An old sign that is in the Ward Theatre Downtown kingston Jamaica.

comment 7

No Urinating

written by owen, published 2013-Jul-23, comment

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This is one of the problems we have in Jamaica. You can't have any kind or corner anywhere in a major city of someone will go there and urinate. I don't know why it is so hard for city planner to make public bathrooms that are maintainable but its probably just one of those things we can't escape like physics or something.

Anyway this was taken at the Mandeville court house stairs.

comment 6

Gods Child commented: why can't people just go at home, or at work, or at whatever place so that they don't get caught unawares on the street? It is such a nuisance at the train station near my home. I think if I could afford to, I would move away just because of that nastiness. ... read 5 more

Strong Current

written by owen, published 2013-Jul-09, comment

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It seemed pretty safe at the time but you never know, you might get swept away from shore and end up in wonder land.


Constant surveillance

written by owen, published 2013-Jul-01, comment

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private eyes be watching you and your money!
