
Logbook, page 16

Odes to my coy mistress. Metaphysical poetry updated weekly. New entry

Walking with the ghosts

written by owen, published 2005-Aug-02, comment

On this particular night I happened to be walking along suspiciously (wary of criminals and sales people as usual), at night, when I noticed a woman standing in a dark alley. Usually this would seem normal because there is nothing strange about a woman standing in a dark alley in a well lit area. But then, I noticed that she wasn't alone. There was something in her hand plus there was a man on the ground with a bag. The man looked like he was coming from a jim or something, dressed in loose clothing.

I got suspicious but continued to walk at my usual pace, minding my own business. Though I noticed woman in question was a bit taller than the man, wore glasses and was dressed like she worked in a bank. As I started to pass the alley and could see more clearly what was going on. The man was searching through the contents of a bag which was on the ground. Mean while the woman was holding what seemed to be a colorful synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers such as polyethylene aka plastic.

My guesstimate was indeed correct, the woman was buying DVDs in a dark alley. By the looks of the situation she was not looking for a little fix either - she was buying bulk - enough to start her own mini movie theater. I guess she was planing on staying high for a while. I could tell she was an addict (even from 40 feet away). The telltale signs where obvious; track marks all up her arms, eye glasses, weight gain from eating too much pop corn (with butter) and sitting for long hours in front of a 20 inch television screen. It was late so I just walked on by.

Other Updates

Also new category called Exhibitionist has been added. People should submit pictures to that category, pictures of whatever they want to put on "exhibit". In case you missed the pointbeard darkside post, we need to get that discussion started again.

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tristan commented: like tegan and sara? ... read 4 more

Numbness For Sound

written by owen, published 2005-Jul-27, comment

I have been hesitant at posting anything early as I did usually. I simply haven't had the time to clear my head on a sunday. Nothing but deadlocks and late projects. So much so that I have not had the time to sit down and think about life, people and God, then think up my weekly post. I simply haven't had the time. maybe next week.

I cannot remember if it was last week they said on the radio that they had discovered a hack that would unlock sexual content in GTA San Andrea's. I was totally appalled that the video game company would make such a game and release it to the public so that 17 year old kids can download the hack and play it. I understand the violence, organized crime, prostitutes, foul language and car theft in the game; but strong sexual content is just too much for my 5 year old son to handle. I propose we rip the game form the shelves and burn them in the streets!

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Arie commented: If you let your son play GTA: SA, then you are the one with a problem, not Take2 or Rockstar North ... read 4 more

Flowers in the window

written by owen, published 2005-Jul-18, comment

After 2 hurricanes in about 2 weeks, I propose that we have no more weekend hurricanes. Having a public holiday and all island curfews on a weekend is a waste of time. Time which could be better well spent during the week. Do not be misguided by my statements - I love the rain, prevailing winds, reduction in the murder rate and flooding because of blocked drains but think of the children. I want my weekends back.

I did not publish anything last week for I was somewhat distracted by all the programming I have been doing, and will do if a hurricane doesn't strike by Wednesday. I messed with the default style sheet aka colors of the website. It was a spur of the moment thing between the hurricane warnings and proof by induction. I also made the sitemap longer that any other ever invented and now it truly shows most of everything. Source is up.

It is truly an odd time of year. A time of change, hurricanes and who know what else. I still have not received my drivers licence yet. It is taking longer than first forecasted. I filled out the forms and took the mug-shots ( a bright colored shirt is recommended ). Now I need a Justice of the Peace to sign them of which I am out of luck. Seems you can never find one when you need to, so yet again progress is delayed. This is going to be a rough week.

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Hayo commented: so, when are there no hurricanes near jamaica, and is it safe to go there on holiday? ... read 5 more

Land Down Under

written by owen, published 2005-Jul-04, comment

You could move to Iceland (IS ) if you think about it. Aside from the fact that its cold, really cold there is abound to be some fun to be had with the ice. Cold drinks all year round. I suspect as well that the crime rate is would be significantly reduced. Though eating the fat of sea mammals, esp. whales and seals might not be very enticing.

I suppose as well that land prices are pretty cheap. But I don't think you'll want to venture too far out from civilization for fear of you being eaten by polar bars. Even worst becoming lost in a winter wonderland of eternal christmas might not be as ideal as it sounds.

This is going to be the best month ever. Like totally super. I will get the source thing working. You will be able see the PHP that generates most of the pages (some are abit out of the project path). It was a bit tricky at first but with a little brainstorming I got each of the pages on the site map to show will highlight source and some javascript.

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Mad Bull commented: Ok, looking forward to it! ... read 3 more

Honest mistake

written by owen, published 2005-Jun-29, comment

At some point you will end up at the at a fast food joint / shop / place whatever and they will ask you question. Some questions are done purposely to trick you into making the wrong decision or to confuse you. If your lucky the cute woman at the counter will ask you if you want to "take it out" or you want "eat in".

What they don't tell you is that if the joint / shop / place starts burning down (or suddenly is attacked by terrorists) you will have to leave your food behind. The food is even more difficult to carry if you were extra greedy and upgraded / super-sized your order. Really now how much free soda is too much?

There is also the thing about orange juice - I don't remember what orange juice tastes like. Yesterday I opened a fresh bottle / pack / jug of orange juice. Realistically I could not tell if it was spoiled or not because expiration dates on jamaican juice products are like juxtaposition. I knew the juice did not taste right but I could not remember what real orange taste like. I was thirsty so I drank it anyway.

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michael_halvorsen commented: after reading your entry of juxtaposed stories, i'm baffled by its intrigue. ... read 11 more