
Logbook, page 15

Odes to my coy mistress. Metaphysical poetry updated weekly. New entry

For Once In My Life

written by owen, published 2005-Jun-21, comment

When I was six my mother told me not to stare into the sun. This weeks post is late. I had not been inspire through the week either by being too busy, too involved or maybe both. The solution to the problem is actually in my brain already. I just have not thought about it yet. It is all in the numbers.

A couple weeks ago I saw a bird. An occurrence that is not unusual when you live on a tropical island. There are wild birds running rampant eating babies but we often take them for granted. This day was different somehow, the bird was different. I was dumbstruck. I had an epiphany, my discovery channel moment. The bird was unlike any other regular bird I had seen in the concrete jungle that is Portmore. I have not seen it since. I should have taken a picture of it.

I fixed the RSS feeds. Added the items submitted to the profile page. I will add a setting to turn that off at some point. I did not do much of anything last week.

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michael_halvorsen commented: i once saw a wild bird. but my neighbors cat ate it. ... read 4 more

Smile like you mean it

written by owen, published 2005-Jun-12, comment

I felt a sudden and violent shaking of the ground, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action just now 11:10 am eastern time June 12, 2005. About 5 seconds after my nephew runs in and says "thats the biggest one I've felt so far my youth" (translated of course) while I was there waiting patiently for after shocks, splitting of the earth's crush followed by the house falling in or worst yet - the ensuing tsunami. What can I say I see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen and but nothing did.

Immediately after I thought I should check to the internet to see wtf. But then I realized that the seismologist are probably a sleep and so that report won't get filed until tomorrow. Plus with the hurricane season at hand they might have changed careers. Everything appears fine within one mile. I hope nobody died horribly.

Well I looked outside and my car wasn't there, luckily it had not been swallowed by a gigantic crack in the earth, I did not have one in the first place. I did not see a wall of water coming towards me either - I made sure to look out for that. Because I watched The Day After Tommorrow in the movie theater not off some pirated DVD like some people. I reviewed that too.

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me commented: omg that is so weird since back at home (in png) we also had a massive earthquake on the saturday before. a person was killed and heaps of homes were destroyed. scary stuff. ... read 11 more


written by owen, published 2005-Jun-08, comment

Bueaty is intentionally spelt incorrectly, yes it was. I gave money to Jamaica Cancer Society, I hope your happy. The hurricane season has started again and everybody knows that I'm only happy when it rains. This semester its discrete mathematics, data structures & file management and operating systems.

I did not do much of anything over the weekend. Fixed the register page, discovered it was not working after made some changes to the web site. Anyway thats that, I need to pick up some need "projects" but some girls are not accessible either by choice or nature.

I have been thinking about building version 5. It will not be a blog but it will encompass all or most of the elements in a new weird way. I have not yet figured out exactly what its going to look like or how I am going to build it.

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michael_halvorsen commented: wow, version 5? i've been around since version 3, i think. i feel old. ... read more

Combat Baby

written by owen, published 2005-May-29, comment

I have grown increasingly suspicious of the fast food joint at the mall close to where I live. Where are they getting all that chicken from? They have no delivery entrance. I have yet to see a van pull up and unload a new batch chickens. When does it happen? Late at night, under a full moon by ninjas? I wonder if they are secretly growing chickens in the basement. I have been there before - you can see all the way to the back of the single-story building. You cannot hide anything anywhere in there so a basement chicken farm isn't possible.

Then there is the "star trek theory" - instantaneous atomic chicken actualization. You put some atoms in, push a few buttons and "whaala" a new, perfect chicken appears right on the spot - this also explains why fast food ALWAYS TASTES EXACTLY THE SAME. But no, they could not keep such an impressive piece of technology a secret for too long, not with so many starving children in Iraq. I know corporations are sneaky but not THAT sneaky.

My next logical assumption would be that there exists a series of inter-connected-underground tunnels between each fast-food outlet. Tunnels through which they can maintain a constant supply of chicken and little plastic packets of tomato ketchup. The truth is out there.

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madbull commented: Good thinking!! That last one has got to be it... Oh and the remember me thingie works! Big up! ... read 3 more

Mr Blue Sky

written by owen, published 2005-May-16, comment

Jane wrote: hi owen wats up? i know you dont know who this is but i met you at the mall in dec. u said you never call anyone remember? i think you were going to a party or something. well if you get this email me back ok? KYM.

Owen wrote: oh hello, ok, not sure who this is but I'm cool


Owen wrote: hahaha, your funny, I'm not going to fall for that trick again. are you an ex-girlfriend pissed because I broke your heart? because I'm sorry, I really am, I told you that - I think. I have a bad memory but my intentions were honorable.

Jane wrote: I really dont know wat ur talking about. look maybe someone's done that to you b4 but im not that type of girl. let me try to refresh ur memory a bit. it was in december, you came to the mall to get a haircut or something to go to a party.< i think you said you lived in h.w.t.> im not sure. i used to work at fw and i was on my lunch break. i saw you sitting alone and asked you if i could join you. we had a lot in common. you gave me ur card and told me you worked with computers or something. look if that info dosent ring a bell, i dont know what will.

Owen wrote: Oh sorry about that I think I remember. You were that cute girl talking about getting a new cellphone, a dress or something like that. I took a picture of you I think. How have to been?

Jane wrote: ive been fine, i started school recently and right now im in the process of getting a place of my own {unsuccessfully} anyway thank god u remembered and just in time cause i was about to quit trying to make u anyway ill talk to u later ok?

Owen wrote: uh yeah sure. ok.

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Hayo commented: Heh. wow. That never ever happens to me. ... read 2 more