I need a new file share system to download mp3 files any suggestions?
umm i wanna know
written by Tami on 2004-Jan-20, Answer this question20
The question and answer section. Ask a question.
umm i wanna know
written by Tami on 2004-Jan-20, Answer this question20
shade answered: burn files onto a cd. drive to friend's house. swap cds ... read 19 more
ive been trying to send my boyfriend an email but everytime i press send it stayz there wat is the matter???
written by Heather on 2003-Dec-27, Answer this question1
I want to know about him!!
written by AMY on 2003-Dec-27, Answer this question365
Jess answered: My friend keeps telling me cristiano is gay bt i dont think he is cud sum1 please tell me the truth??? ..................... luv u cristiano xxxxxxx ... read 364 more
I was going to get one.
written by kyle on 2003-Dec-25, Answer this question4
owen answered: get an [url]http://www.apple.com/ipod/[caption]ipod[/url]. It may be expensive but there is simple nothing cooler. Plus you get to use itunes with it. The was also the rumor about a 100 dollar ipod. just keep praying. ... read 3 more
This incident happened at a casual restaurant. I seen the waitress mix the two coffee's together and I was very upset for numerous reasons. Health reasons being the most crictical reason.
written by flo on 2003-Nov-30, Answer this question12
shade answered: i don't drink coffee at all, but (i'm guessing here) wouldn't it taste weird? ... read 11 more