
Guestbook, page 6

Works best if you impart some amount of useful info, comment or question. Sign the guestbook

Kingston, Jamaica

written by Kaschief, published 2006-Mar-25, comment

I came across yoursite today. And I've read through everything in your archives. Really love the site. I'm officially addik-ted. You're now my sole daily read. Now I know what digital weed is like. :-)

comment 4

owen commented: well Kaschief, I don't update daily so I don't know how that is going to go. Updating daily would drive me insane. Its best to check back on the next full moon or when it rains or submit some stuff to the categories. And as for the archives, I fixed it now so that it is impossible for anybody to read through it. ... read 3 more


written by Xpi, published 2006-Mar-18, comment

Great site you have. Keep up the good work

comment 54


written by wild_willy Techjamaican, published 2005-Oct-14, comment

Yow the website descent still! I may post some stuff on it soon. Keep it up!

comment 7

owen commented: yeah man cool, alright. post some stuff. ... read 6 more

San Diego, CA

written by Lori and Cutcha, published 2005-Aug-25, comment

related image

We were just wondering where we could purchase our very own Owensoft... we're planning on staging a mudwrestling match between it and our Microsoft...winner gets to take on Adobe Acrobat Reader (which has been known to fight DIRTY let me tell you). Thanks for visiting our site, Lori and Cutcha

comment 13

owen commented: I don't mud wrestle anymore, it has lost almost all of it's cool factor. ... read 12 more


written by Stunner, published 2005-Aug-24, comment

Da blog yah my yute.

comment 4

Arie commented: Yaa man! ... read 3 more