
Guestbook, page 5

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Kingston, Jamaica

written by Monique, published 2005-Jan-11, comment

Owen, a dem ting yah you a gwaan wid. I see you posting on local forums and so on but I thought you were just a programmer. From the looks of this site your design skills arent half bad either.

comment 3

owen commented: design skills? ha, I'm only faking it. I prefer to stay on the programming side where I'm more comfortably. ... read 2 more


written by Cherry, published 2004-Dec-29, comment

Owen, Your site is pretty interesting and original, but you should have someone do a spell check before you upload. Good Luck!

comment 1

owen commented: thanks for the great advice cherry. will do, and if I miss anything just leave a comment. ... read more


written by oniel, published 2004-Dec-10, comment

i think the author of this web site need 2 get himself some couchie

comment 4

St. Catherine Jamaica

written by Melbourne Thompson, published 2004-Dec-01, comment

You a gwane with a thing owen.

comment 3

Kingston, Jamaica

written by DannyB, published 2004-Nov-29, comment

related image

Nice and clean .. probably one of the better Jamaican sites out there period, except mine ofcourse :) .. Love the css ..

comment 13

owen commented: correction: definately one of the better Jamaican sites out there period. but I don't hold on to the title too hard I have better things to do with my time. ... read 12 more