
me's profile

#92, updated 2007-Jun-19, viewed 6814 times, view others.


On a good day me is single, female child, student, 37 years young, hangs around a place called "australia".

I have a cool website at Be sure to check it out.

jesus is my homeboy


aka mi chol
boarding school brat (for six long years.)
now a slack-ass design student at uni.
kinda strange.
kinda short.
kinda funny.

i love love.


anything fun
partying mostly haha

Interview Questions

is having something to miss better than looking forward to something new?

id prefer to look forward to things than miss them.

missing someone really sucks... but then again..
disappointment after lots of anticipation sucks too.

Your house is on fire. Assuming your loved ones and pets are out safely, what 2 material/tangible things would you grab?

laptop (and usb, counts as one to me) -- all my photos, work, and life are on that thing
and maybe my mobile..?

but the lappy is definately very important

When you feel crazy, what do you do?

i dance. and thats pretty damn insane wen its me involved.

What thoughts would you like to unthink?

shallow ones. [upset]

Those who can’t do, teach?

definately tru.
im guessing my uni tutor is an absolute failure as a designr. (hence hes an absolute arse as well)

How do you save a life?

call 000 (in aus)

..and keep me far away cuz id definately end up doing something very stupid.

Guestbook » australia

written by me, published 2007-Apr-18, comment

owen! its been a while since i last visited. i love the new look. very funky (sorry couldnt think of a cooler word).

comment 15

owen commented: why thank you kind lady [confident]. ... read 14 more

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