
Mad Bull's profile , page 2

#158, updated 2006-Apr-17, viewed 22919 times, view others.

Traveling without moving » The Morning Commute

written by Mad Bull, published 2006-Dec-26, comment

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There I was in the evil morning traffic going down Shamrock Road towards George Town. The traffic was worsened by the rain fall, so things were moving even more slowly than normal. How do you like the Turbo VW Bug in front of me? I'd drive it!

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owen commented: [indifferent] expensive little buggers nice color but still not "manly" enough to drive around everyday. I'd go with the Mini Cooper instead i.e. if I had a choice. ... read 6 more

The wheels project » Type R Accura Integra

written by Mad Bull, published 2006-Dec-24, comment

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This car was flooded out in Hurrican Ivan, then bought for a song, stripped, everything washed out/replaced and now there you have it... Not sure what all the mods are, is me bredrin car, him drink too much and lef' it by me gate last nite.

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owen commented: nice rims [smile] ... read 2 more

The wheels project » Type R Accura Integra

written by Mad Bull, published 2006-Dec-24, comment

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This car was flooded out in Hurrican Ivan, then bought for a song, stripped, everything washed out/replaced and now there you have it... Not sure what all the mods are, is me bredrin car, him drink too much and lef' it by me gate last nite.

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Quiz Time!

How do you put the toilet paper in YOUR bathroom? Does the loose end hang towards you over the top, or away from you, behind the roll?

When you flush the toilet, do you usually face the bowl and watch as the stuff goes down or do you look away?

Which hand do you depress the handle on your toilet with?

written by Mad Bull on 2006-Dec-21, Answer this question11

doctord answered: Toilet paper and flushing....hmmm....not what I really came here for....sooo Merry Christmas Owen! ... read 10 more

The random photo journal » The Duck Pond out back

written by Mad Bull, published 2006-Dec-17, comment

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Here are a couple of ducks chilling out on the pond at the back of my sister's house. Unfortunately, when I went outside to "shoot" them, they swam away and wouldn't come back and thats the best my camera could do under zoom... (hint hint: you know what I want for Christmas ;-)

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owen commented: I think a duck pond is something that naturally forms. you either have it or you don't. so it go, maybe next year, lol ... read 5 more