
Mad Bull's profile , page 3

#158, updated 2006-Apr-17, viewed 22921 times, view others.

The people project » Ladies by the Pool - Jamaica Grande Hotel

written by Mad Bull, published 2007-Jul-21, comment

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One bredrin was lusting after the lady lying down and another after the lady in the jeans shorts... The ladies were not paying them any mind at all. Then the one who was checking out the girl lying down came over to me and said, "You know you're getting up there when you are admiring young ladies and they are oblivious to your existence, but then you notice that their middle-aged moms are lusting after you!", shaking his head sadly.

I had to laugh, but its true.

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owen commented: I approve of both ... read 3 more

How important is honesty really?

I just watched this movie about a girl who had done something she thought was terrible once in the past. She felt it was disgusting and she never did it again. It had nothing really to do with the person she was now. She was now about to get married and she wondered whether she should tell her fiance about it, just so she could be completely honest with him.

How important is it to have complete and total honesty in a relationship? Do you think she should tell her fiance or not? If you were in that situation, would you?

written by Mad Bull on 2007-Jul-01, Answer this question13

Tami answered: That sounds like the movie where the girl while in college was bored and gave her dog a blow it that one? You cant have complete honesty in a relationship, especially if one or both persons are equally jealous. Causes too much problems even simple little things. ... read 12 more

Because they call me Mr. Romantic, Very Fantastic, .....

I got some questions for you... Does anybody have the answer?
What is the most romantic thing you have done this year? This century? Ever? Would you say you are a romantic person, and why? Is there still a place for romance in the world today?
Now, you should be detailed in your answers so the younger heads can learn...

written by Mad Bull on 2007-Jun-08, Answer this question12

Simplenigma answered: I haven't done anything romantic this year...sheeit, I've barely been on a date, much less something romantic. I think this century and ever would fall into the same category, since I've only been alive one century (although I'm convinced, due to my extraordinary fear of lizards, that I was a fly in another life)...I surprised First Love for his birthday. Flew to his city, rented a hotel room, brought him roses (all the way from NYC), put on some lingerie (I never wear the stuff) and ROCKED HIS WORLD. Hehe. Whether I'm a romantic person or not really depends on the dude I'm with, but I'd say for the most part I am. There's always a place in the world for romance. People tend to think that the grander the gesture, the more romantic it's really the little things that I find romantic. ... read 11 more

Gene find triggers baldness hope

written by mad bull, published: 2007-May-22, read 13378 times.

Trouble commented: Hmmm, I'm not sure I want mouse-hair on my head per se... But thanks for the heads-up MB... [hysterical] ... read 8 more

The people project » Beach Exercise Crew

written by Mad Bull, published 2006-Dec-30, comment

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Went down to the Seven Mile Beach early this morning and saw this group of walkers out for some exercise. I had my new camera (Natty's gift to me for Christmas) so I took a shot of them. They were quite some distance away! I love this camera.

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taylor commented: 6x optical zoom man.. rocks the world. i think i'm selling my fuji this month :D gettina a fuji finepix s6500fd.. manual zoom and focus ring.. :drools: ... read more