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What are french fries?

Do you eat them before, during or after the meal? What purpose do they serve?

written by owen on 2006-Feb-11, Answer this question11

michael_halvorsen answered: I eat them along with the meal. And as far as the purpose goes, they're a filler. You geat a measl burger and a shit ton of fries to fill you up. Thats why a burger is never a whole meal. You gotta eat a bunch of fries for it to be a meal. ... read 10 more

Movies » trailer - ultraviolet

written by owen, published 2006-Feb-11, comment

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With the disappointment of Aeon Flux still fresh on our minds I still think that Ultraviolet is going to knock everything else out of the water. I am suspect that should they wait a little longer before releasing it. It is science fiction anyhow. Milla Jovovich has yet to disappoint. That combined with the fact the movie is directed by Kurt Wimmer the same guy that did Equilibrium. You can even see the "GunKata" in the trailer. Plus if you look care fully you can see rips of various other movies like Underworld, The Matrix, Torque. Ripping is not a bad thing especially if you do it better than the original - rip away. The story according to what I see in the trailer seems to be a mix between Resident Evil, The Transporter 2 and The Matrix. It looks good, really good. I said the same thing about Aoen Flux but this one looks like the money - I can almost feel it. Oh and that song at the end of the trailer (after the one from the matrix soundtrack) is "24" by Jem. Definitely a theater watch movie.

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Stunner commented: Mi nah seh much bout dat movie, from mi si di add mi seh, "Foolishness!" ... read 6 more

The Bleach Incident

written by owen, published: 2006-Feb-09, read 7141 times.

mad bull commented: Good point. Since I am always cleaning ;) and I know a lot of cleaners, I will mention it to them. ... read 15 more

Blog Jamaica » Only 113 dead in January

written by owen, published 2006-Feb-05, comment

Its been raining on and off for the past couple of days which is good. It is either a sign of the start of an early hurricane season or that it somewhere needs to get flooded. Probably. Only 113 people kill since January, a 23 % reduction according to the gleaner. With the rise in kidnappings it sorta feels like I'm living in Columbia. Busy signal has a new website. The Air Jamaica Jazz festival come and gone. I still don't have a new camera so no new pictures from my vantage point.

I've been watching bmobile singles for the past couple of weeks as well. No, I don't vote. I should have entered that competition but you dun know. They should I totally gone with a less uptown girl still. I don't want to sound racist by saying "more jamaican" but what the heck I said it already. The chick reeks of privilege. How you get the cards a so you have to play them. She cool even if her last name isn't "real ghetto slam". She plays her cards well. As far as see it Jamaica needs more reality TV. Everybody loves to watch other people in the hope that they will do something really silly. Its called entertainment.

They've been clamping down on bad cops over the last 6 months. Really its going to be pretty hard to pay off any policemen especially when it comes to traffic violations. They also have increased the amount of money NHT lends on mortgages, only god knows why. Nothing happens without a reason in this country.

comment 6

michael_halvorsen commented: i hope you are banging mad bitches. if i was jamaican, i'd be banging tons of bitches. so get on top of that, and on top of 'dem bitches. ... read 5 more

Logbook » Anything But Ordinary

written by owen, published 2006-Jan-30, comment

The woman from Germany stopped emailing me a couple weekends ago. Apparently she got suspicious and felt that I was being dishonest with her. Which in all honesty I had been - truly honest. The english language is very convoluted, that coupled with the fact that she had been reading mine and Stunner's websites. "The site is not really a good place to pick up on your english skills" - I warned with great relish. But she failed to listen. She often swung between the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner and partial lunacy. Much like most women. So I consulted similar - an expert/non-compos-mentis. Because in truth and in fact I really liked getting long emails from a worker class girl in germany. Its better than spam and I wanted to fix things. She (the expert) told me not to reply to her(the german) emails and let her cool off a bit. When the cool off point was reached she would email me back and apologize for calling me a rat. And everything would be cop-acetic.

It has been over a week and the expert said that if I send an email I would lose the "battle of wills" or whatever women call it. I miss it though - the emails in my inbox. She would, in brief, irregular bursts send me exquisitely beautiful pictures. Pictures that she took in her photo studio at work. (Not of herself, I know what your thinking, stop it.) I miss decoding the broken english emails that she would send to me almost nightly. Trying to perceive the intended meaning of what she wrote. Her english was improving and I applauded her for that. I would promptly reply to her using the most elementary forms of english as I could. Often times she would misconceive what I said and reply with something from her new dictionary;

> O.K..... Good that you understand me but sorry i
> don't really understand what you are talking about. You haven't done ......gangbangs?...... groupsex?

No body is perfect. It was fun while it lasted.

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michael_halvorsen commented: yeah, like thats kinda funny owen. owen has relations with german email girls. what else does owen do? ... read 9 more