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The wheels project » Lexus GS300

written by MiTcHiE, published 2006-Jan-09, comment

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Completely Stock except for 20" Chrome Rims

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Christian Lamilami commented: You are a fabulous author. How did you learn how to write this good? ... read 2 more

The Jamaica photo project » Approaching Barbican Square, St Andrew

written by Mad Bull, published 2006-Jan-08, comment

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Was in a line approaching Barbican Square, heading to the Loshushan Plaza, to take some ppl the Acropolis Gaming Lounge so that they could gamble away their life savings. Saw the hills and just decided to take the pic...

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mc commented: i that ... read 1 more

Exhibitionist » Banner Submission

written by Mad Bull, published 2006-Jan-08, comment

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I was feeling idle somewhere around 6:00 am on Sunday, January 8th, 2006 (not that I have never felt idle at other times, mind you) and I decided to contribute a nice banner for you to use on your site.

What do you think?

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owen commented: right now there is a way for you to submit the actual header for the site. thats why the site resize it. You might have to email me the original picture then I'll photoshop the site text onto it. But that picture might create room for mad speculation and you know how jamaica people chat bout already. ... read 5 more

2006 New Year`s Resolutions?

what do you hope to do differently this year?

written by owen on 2006-Jan-04, Answer this question4

Gods Child answered: I will go on vacation off the continent! I have up until my birthday in October so it's highly likely I'll actually accomplish this. ... read 3 more

Blog Jamaica » 2006

written by owen, published 2005-Dec-29, comment

I really don't know what Jamaica will be like in 2006. I expect the murder rate to go down because really its getting boringly redundant. Renato Adams is free again and Vibes kartel is married to girl from the Bronx. I expect the dance-hall industry to be on the rise. Tami Chin be finally releasing her album. I pray on a daily basis that the inflation and that the value of the dollar doesn't slip further into oblivion. Buy Jamaican. I expect that the government has a plan. Or that the kids up UWI with THIER OPINIONS hurry up and graduate so that they can change the country for the better instead becoming a slave to the money and working for THE MAN. I don't foresee anything in the way of terrorism because its really hard to get 3000 Jamaicans to be in any one place at anytime, plus its just not a Jamaican ting. Yes, it is safe to we can't have enough tourists and white people. Probably safer than anywhere else.

I really can't make anymore predictions for the upcoming year at the moment. I am still high off the christmas cake I have been eating since friday. Mother always seems to let lose on cakes and the sorrel with too much rum, smirnoff or whatever. I am not sure. Well all I have to say is look out Florida we've got your number. I expect the hurricane season to start early. February or someplace there. Less hurricanes but with faster winds and even stranger paths.

Met up with Dr. D, Mad Bull, Cali J, Stunner, Scratchie and Shotta M on Wednesday at La Kabana Restaurant and Garden Bar just above Half-Way Tree. Unfortunately I left before the the photoshoot but it won't happen next time when I have my own camera and more time. Take note when they say 7:00pm to 7:30 they mean 7:30 until everybody leaves. Dr. D has the full round up of the event. Will make a couple reservations at La Kabana in the coming year. Wish I could have stayed till it dun. :(

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michael_halvorsen commented: happy new year owen. i wish you the best man. ... read 5 more