why some movies show only one time?
i saw movies 'nothing lasts forever' (1995) and can't find the movies again, i can't find it on tv ,on dvd or anywhere if you can help me ,please. Want to see this movies.
written by rimma on 2005-Oct-08, Answer this question 8
owen answered: maybe you are the only person in the entire world that likes that movie. ... read 7 more
written by MiTcHiE , published 2005-Oct-06, comment
Was walking home one day - decided to take a pic.
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steve commented: I never thought of taking pics of shadows. I liked it...and probably will do the same. Thanks for the idea ... read 1 more
Who would win in a fight: ninjas or pirates?
Most ninjas are mammals that fight all the time. A pirate is a person who lives at sea and wears arrrrrrgyle socks. help
written by owen on 2005-Oct-06, Answer this question 37
nastro answered: depends on the combat zone ... read 36 more
written by chachacallis , published 2005-Oct-05, comment
the famous Eiffel tower in paris france, taken on a trip to france
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owen commented: I guess the only way to take a picture of the tower is on a trip to france - because nobody really lives there. :) ... read 1 more
written by michelle , published 2005-Oct-04, comment
my rum and coke w/ cherries
comment 4