Pimp Juice » egg nog 3
written by owen, published 2005-Aug-31, comment
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written by Lori and Cutcha, published 2005-Aug-25, comment
We were just wondering where we could purchase our very own Owensoft... we're planning on staging a mudwrestling match between it and our Microsoft...winner gets to take on Adobe Acrobat Reader (which has been known to fight DIRTY let me tell you). Thanks for visiting our site, Lori and Cutcha
comment 13
owen commented: I don't mud wrestle anymore, it has lost almost all of it's cool factor. ... read 12 more
written by Stunner, published 2005-Aug-24, comment
Da blog yah hard...cool my yute.
comment 4
Arie commented: Yaa man! ... read 3 more
written by owen, published 2005-Aug-24, comment
On a average day. A day in which it either rains in the morning or its extremely hot. I might pull out my white ibook laptop and I'll carefully slide a CD or DVD into the slot loaded drive. I would leave it for a while - venture off to do something else. I might make sandwich or I would watch television. Often times I would go back and check if it has fallen asleep, at which point I would wake it up again. Wake it up to make sure that the lithium ion rechargeable batteries have not yet overheated, posing a fire hazard. because I am too lazy to send them back to the dealer.
Sometime I would return to it, wake it up and proceed to repeated press the F9, F10, and F11. Watching the windows zoom in and out of the screen. Sometimes I would purposely open multiple windows so that I can make the animation more random. Pretty. Other times I would bring up the RSS screen saver and watch the text fly around the screen but that doesn't work unless the power cord is plugged in.
I listen to music as well currently I am listening to Kanye West's Album: Drive Slow. But the hard drive tends to get pretty hot after playing music and I wonder it is going to melt through the plastic. One of my greatest personal fears is that at so point when I return to remove the CD or DVD. That, at that dreaded moment in time, the CD or DVD would become permanently stuck inside the drive. Forever sending it into eternal damnation. But today is not that day.
michael_halvorsen commented: i walked the words you wrote. i was there. ... read more
Liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food. What is you opinion on it? Is it for lazy people?
written by owen on 2005-Aug-23, Answer this question10
michael_halvorsen answered: i am a fan of the soups. beef soup is tasty as is chicken noodle, creamy potato soup, and even the cheap ramen noodle. nothing beats waking up and having a bowl of $0.12 ramen noodles and a cold bottle of miller genuine draft. tasty. ... read 9 more