Talking street - Light and shadow
written by owen, published: 2022-Jun-07, read 1318 times.
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written by owen, published: 2022-Jun-07, read 1318 times.
photos by owen, published 2022-Jun-02, comment
This is from set 20 mostly sea gulls. I take alot of pictures of birds when I visit this place and sometimes I feel I have over done it a bit.
photos by owen, published 2022-May-31, comment
So called "Blackie" mango in Jamaica.
written by owen, published 2022-May-30, comment
If one sign doesnt work then try them all.
written by owen, published 2022-May-29, comment
This is from a pizza place in Downtown Kingston, waterfront. You cant really go wrong with pizza unless you let it get cold and you are forced to reheat it.