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What gets you hot and bothered?

flustered: thrown into a state of agitated confusion;

written by owen on 2005-Jan-21, Answer this question12

yamfoot (michelle) answered: not being able to lose weight even though I go to the gym 4 - 5 times per week! ... read 11 more

The Jamaica photo project » halfmoon

written by owen, published 2005-Jan-21, comment

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halfmoon conference center, montego bay *

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The wheels project » Mazda 3s Hatchback

written by Daniel Bulli, published 2005-Jan-19, comment

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Straight out of the lot with no mods.

6CD Changer, Moonroof, 17 rims, 5sp Manual

love it !

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owen commented: hey, isn't that what they call a sun roof? ... read more

Logbook » Hand In My Pocket

written by owen, published 2005-Jan-16, comment

At the end of 2003 I went to visit my sister in florida for 2 weeks. This page 1 of 2 from the captain's log earth date 2003.;

After the flight arrived and by some miracle my 20 year old nephew and I made it outside of the airport terminal, found a phone and called a number. We had nothing to do but stand outside waiting in the cold midday sun. After arriving at the airport in a foreign country it is always a catch 22 situation where chances are you might stay there forever and never be found again. I always have this in my mind which is why I have not been to Japan yet.

The ride came 2 maybe 3 hours later just before I was put on life support. Then we were off though a countless array of intersections, freeways, highways, extended avenues and an endless void of empty streets to our destination.

We stopped at Wendy's and I had the first thing on the menu because I was drawing a map back to the airport. Unfortunately my sense of distance, time and space was messed up because everything looked exactly the same like a lifetime movie. We veered off the highway/street/avenue etc into an apartment complex.

The apartment complex had an electronic gate and ever expanding greenery. After further examination I discovered it was all man-made. You could smell it in the air. The apartments were aligned in groups of six each with perfectly cut grass lawns, little hills and a pond complete with fish, ducks and sprinkler - it was perfect. I think the grass never grew any higher than required - technology is a wonderful thing. Not like in Jamaica where everything is a random natural occurence - if you see a pond chances are it has been there forever - no - florida is like a zoo. Randomness is good, keeps things interesting.

My only problem was the being cold on a sunny day. what the hell is up with that? The sun is shining should it not be hot or at least warm? I spent the rest of the day watching the Matrix reloaded - they did not have cable but had an abundance of rented DVDs and paperback novels. Ridiculous cable rates but I guess that is what you are suppose to be paying.

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sunshine commented: Hi Owen-I want to congratulate you on being in the Top5 Jamaican blog list. Love the Smirnoff Ice meself and like your writing. Will visit again. I hope for your sake your sister will insist on getting cable. ... read 3 more

The Jamaica photo project » New Kingston

written by owen, published 2005-Jan-15, comment

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I think that is JamRock at the right of the picture.

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Jameso commented: Definately the most Modern and beautiful city anywhere in the Caribbean and central America. I have been to many cities in the region and non compares the the beauty of kingston with it's magnificent harbour and very sophisticated buisness district of new kingston, it's a shame though about the crime rate which does not goes down well with the cities image but i believe this is sometimes blown out of proportion. As a born and bread British Citizen kingston is one of the few cities in the Caribbean and Centran america that i would definately Live. How can i forget to mention the magnificent houses and homes that kingston boasts especially those in the hills, i am yet to see homes like thes in Britain. ... read 6 more