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Traveling without moving » More Cuba

written by owen, published 2017-Dec-03, comment

You have got to remember to backup your files before your computer crashes out completely and you lose everything. So while I was doing that I have a fresh set of 2016 Cuba pictures that were left on the cutting board. Dont be surprised if I post a whole new set later. Everything is going to be fine.

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Viva Cuba Libre

Viva Cuba Libre

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Music » Fresh Nov2017

written by owen, published 2017-Dec-01, comment

Sometimes its a sad song. I have been lucky to get a bunch of CDs to borrow over the last week to accompany me on the long drives in Christmas traffic.

John Legend's "Gifted" from 2009 was good in the first part until a bunch a rappers came on and disrupted the flow of the whole CD but you can't go wrong with hits like "Used to Love U", and "Ordinary people". Probably my favourite off track is She Don't Have To Know. Seems Kanye's magic touch did wonders for this album.

I never really got into Alicia Keys "Unplugged" from 2005. I think she is obsessed with vocalizing instead of singing the songs. What makes it worse is this is a "Live" recording and falls into the RNB trap which it never manages to escape. Damion Marley comes on at the end with Welcome To Jamrock.

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Professional programmers write tests

written by owen, published: 2017-Nov-29, read 2657 times.

Blog Jamaica » Hellshire, beach erosion Dec 2017

written by owen, published 2017-Nov-27, comment

Since my last visit to the beach new structures have been built. I recently watched a reporter on television interview a meteorologist on whether the recent Montego Bay heavy rain event on Nov 22 2017 could be attributed to climate change. The question was skillfully curved. No one has all the data. I watched in awe as the same pointless question was asked over and over again expecting a different answer. Then it dawned on me; something I probably already knew. It is not that the climate is "changing" per se but that we as human beings (inhabitants of the environment) are remaining the same. Our new ability to shape the environment around us has lulled us into a state of complacency.

Paved streets become rivers, roof tops become water falls. Buildings become permanent wind blockers.

We are beginning to feel that the world is beholden to our constant whim and fancy. The climate "will" change as it always has but we are unable to adapt to these changes. The environment will do what it wants including changing slowly, suddenly, sporadically, or randomly in ways which are yet too complicated for us to predict. The real question is how long can/will we remain the same while everything around us changes?

It is apparent that we will do all that we can to maintain our current path and find ways to simplify complicated issues.

Related videos; Montego Bay heavy rain event on Nov 22 2017, Hellshire beach in the old days, A recent independence day at Hellshire beach

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comment 2

abc commented: Climate change is happening. It is a man made event just like all the others you mention. The basic problem is humans have forgotten who their first mother (earth) is and what our purpose is while we are visiting this realm. Humans need to start to take care of their mother and being her carers and healers. We need to do this – not just for ourselves – but for all the other beings that we share our mother with. She is not ours to use and destroy. Our lives lived now are borrowed from our grandchildren not inherited from our ancestors. Peace and love ... read 1 more

ChangeLog » November 2017 bug fixes

written by owen, published 2017-Nov-26, comment

I think I have squashed all the bugs now. 90% of the page font is default size which is masterful. 10 years ago I would never have thought it could be done.

Change log;

  • Fixed a longstanding bug in pagecache that so that any user can rebuild the cache once they make a change. Instead of just admin users.
  • Redid the profile edit page with new autoform
  • Fixed layout problems with registration screen
  • Messed around with how user profile pics are stored.
  • Reduced number of questions asked during registration interview to 5
  • Fixed the pg gallery so that the older small images do not get stretched to fill the screen space
  • When editing posts/items the photo grid shows up as expected (long standing bug) in both views
  • sitemap fixed
  • archive photo page fixed and new link added.
  • Fixed the search page and some date output bugs that were left over from when I was thinking about React.
  • The full sidebar only shows up on page one of pages that have navigation

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