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The internet is a tutorial machine (programming)

written by owen, published: 2015-Nov-03, read 2984 times.

ChangeLog » November 2015

written by owen, published 2015-Oct-31, comment

What have I been doing these past 3-4 months? (Besides making bar charts for food money)

  • I ran out of website storage space since I started uploading 4 mb pictures at an alarming pace in 2015. I've been uploading pictures at a rate of 10x versus previous years.
  • Added a Screenshots project is a collection of old screenshots from games I coded up in C on the Wii. I've had these images on my computer for the longest while and now I can share them online for the world to see. 56k warning; that landing page is 5mb, lol.
  • I fixed the leaderboard page. After goggle chart broke it. This is why I hate CDNs.
  • I added an Official Music Video category to the news project. Was surprisingly easy to hack together. Its a long page of 150 videos that you would probably never see because they get released so quickly. Updated everyday.
  • Also fixed some of the news filters and css admin so that I can auto organise some of the links with magic. The Food category benefits alot from all filtering since I can watch links for keywords and redirect them to a certain category.
  • I have about 5 programming articles that I need to finish editing and push out. You would be surprised how long it takes to write an opinion piece that won't offend all the cheerleaders on social media nowadays. Titles include; "The internet is a tutorial machine", "EMCAScript 6 solves no problems and lets build a rocketship", "Making bad code harder to read".
  • The news project is now UTF8 encoded - mostly. I'm still using JS Masonary to formate the page.
  • Each image in the blog now has a little heart button inside it so users can click it a counter. Javascript and Ajax. AJAX! No its not a like button - its a LOVE button.
  • I've been getting alot of comment spam for the past couple months. I have to constantly be coming up with new ways to filter them out. And no I will not use a facepage comments plugin.
  • The website CSS is now more mobile friendly although I don't know what it will be like next year when everybody starts browsing the internet on their watches.
  • I got a couple pictures of churches
  • There is a still the issue with some people not being able to see this website on thier ISP. I don't have a fix for it. The domain name host is just not telling you where the website is. Not sure why.

That is all I can remember changing for now.

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owen commented: It works as advertised. It only fails when you have images without a fixed width ... read 1 more

Food and Eats » T.G.I.F.

written by owen, published 2015-Oct-26, comment

Think of the most expensive food you ever bought and then stop thinking...

Tex Mex Mac and Cheese

Tex Mex Mac and Cheese

The bar

The bar

Hot pepper

Hot pepper

BBQ Roast Chicken, Corn and mash potatos

BBQ Roast Chicken, Corn and mash potatos

comment on this food 2

Logbook » Look out your window

written by Anonymous, published 2015-Oct-23, comment

As I grow older the things I like are more fuzzy.  I am no longer a kid in a candy shop. My dentist says I should visit more often as she stares at me through her thick glasses prescribed for her near-sited-ness.  She is the one that needs to work less often.  The things that annoy me are more prevalent.  I am not waiting for lunchtime or for Friday cause inside this fet is my home.  The world is amazing.  I just have to figure out what part of it I should be enjoying right at this moment.  Its hard to tell.

It is interesting to see how facebook reacts when someone dies.  The network effect spreads like wild fire until our mothers start asking if they know the friend of a friend who is being R.I.P-ed.  There is a certain finality to death. Other things in life you can recover from, miss, sway back and forth and hope for a better future.  The little beautiful things. We all cope in different ways.  No one know whats will be the death of us but at least you can love the life you live - even if its not perfect.  Dont worry about life and give the best of you.  Live the life you love.  Do not spend your time being a self-righteous nuisance.

As I am writing this I am alone in a crowd of people. Obviously this is not my domain but I am hear now, waiting. I am the seeker. Staring at the Heinz bottle of ketchup - one third full.  Why am I here? I could certainly get cheaper food elsewhere, watch people walk by at room temperature. That is a tall glass of water that I will not consume for fear that it will spoil my appetite. To some people this might be commonplace; to me it is a moment in time - slowly drifting.

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Tami commented: Written by Anon? [riiight] ... read 1 more

The Jamaica photo project » Christ Church, The Portland Parish Church

written by owen, published 2015-Oct-21, comment

Port Antonio, 1836. Anglican (Episcopalian). The evening sun did tun up though but it was open which is good because I got to go inside. Your church is not hard core unless it has a pipe organ. :)

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