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Logbook » Cramp your style

written by owen, published 2015-Mar-24, comment

Somethings are too new to be appreciated in the time that they are new and fresh. And others things are old, weathered and out of reach like a monkey in a very tall tree.  Live in the moment. Blow at the candle flame and watch the light flicker. Sometimes you treat me bad, sometimes you treat me good.   I do not know where I am on this roller coaster.   What can I do? I cannot get off.   I just have to ride it out.

I live in this strange place where I am not sure what anything really is or why anything is the way it is, so I cling unto the things I know until I find a way to end the sentence before I run out of words to describe the emptiness that is approaching. You are in a constant state of learning. Everything you ever wanted to know about silence. Life is your teacher and I am your puppet.

I like jazz and funk. From long time. The things I like do not hang on my shoulders, weighing me down.  In fact I like a lot of music. Time and a place. I wish I could remember it all at once and flex lyrical, sell like five hundred and work at foot locker. Do what makes me happy every single second of the day with the right monkeys. I am a soul man. I am your ghost.  I can preserve the past by pausing the future. I am looking to the sky to save me.

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Pie in the sky technology (programming)

written by owen, published: 2015-Mar-22, read 13245 times.

owen commented: You have 3 producers re-tweeting crap links that 5000 people read. If the producers aren't filtering then you expect the consumers to know any better? very unlikely. ... read 6 more

Into the Blue » AA on tarmac

written by owen, published 2015-Mar-16, comment

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Deplane Re plane into the blue. At the Philip S.W. Goldson International Airport in Belize.

comment 7

Video Blog » Honduras says hello (music videos)

written by owen, published 2015-Mar-12, comment

Part 1

Part 2

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Progress Traps (programming)

written by owen, published: 2015-Mar-07, read 4674 times.

Dale commented: Thanks for the link :D. I'd planned to add Unit Tests over this weekend but got tied up. It's more of a learning experience than getting to a specified goal though. It was "done" with one line of code but I didn't learn much doing that. ... read 3 more