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Style or Substance? Pick one

written by owen on 2012-Nov-28, Answer this question6

Ayo answered: I just have ONE question ..... are those real females? ... read 5 more

Logbook » Volcano

written by owen, published 2012-Nov-20, comment

Its almost christmas like its almost summer if the world doesn't come to a fiery end. Everything gets a chance to be almost. There is a limited amount of time and space and effort. You can't be in 2 places at once. You can't drive 2 cars at once. Its against the laws of physics.

Real time is the only way to live. Things are happening right now all over the world at the exact same time. What ever you are waiting for isn't going to happen anytime soon and probably never will. Like a monkey waiting for winter in the african desert. Chasing pavements.

Its not hard to find myself annoyed. I get annoyed when people use the word "bunch" to refer to anything but bananas. I would rather you use the world "set" or "a couple". Bunch should be strickly reserved for bananas and maybe plantains.

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owen commented: NOT WITH FLOWERS EITHER! [angry] ... read 1 more

Movies » Skyfall Review

written by owen, published 2012-Nov-10, comment

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Skyfall is a pretty average bond-movie without fancy gadgets and interesting story. Filled with loud background music as they visit an Asian country for no apparent reason. Things happen, plans are set in motion that could have easily be completed with a well placed sniper bullet. Its more "me-me-me" rather than saving the world from a evil maniac. Not to mention the forced chemistry between random characters. At the end of the day the movie is a low 7, watch on it on cable or bootleg it. The movie is nothing special.

There is no need to mention the advertisments and Berenice Marlohe who appears to fill the checklist of "things-to-do" in a bond movie. Its a sailboat and no one is driving it. Probably the Aston martin runs on air.

NB. Flash lights in the dark, seriously? Flashlights in the church? dies laughing.

MI 5: Ghost Protocol is a better movie.

I totally forgot to mention that the intro sequence sucked balls, sorry if one of you guys worked on it but it was lame. Lame! I want baked sailing girls and guns! Not self referencial metaphors about life! Song sucked too.

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Mad Bull commented: i disagree. I likedvit. i gave it an 8. ... read 2 more

And the Sign Says.. » Recycling Area

written by owen, published 2012-Nov-07, comment

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Somehow this sign seemed more complicated than it need to be. Saw it in a park in Barbados.

comment 3

Ayo commented: I totally agree..felt a headache coming on. ... read 2 more

Food and Eats » Mothers Menu Nov-2012

written by owen, published 2012-Nov-07, comment

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The funny thing about the pictures that they always use is that they basically never represent the actual product being sold. Prices are in JMD. You basically need $500 to buy anything with a drink.

comment on this food 3

Gods Child commented: liver? Hmm...I wouldn't pay any money for that at all. They should pay people to eat liver. ... read 2 more