Do a quick search for words or phrases across all the 2011 Manifestos (JAM,JLP,MGPPP,NDM,PNP) and compare the results; maybe pointless but who knows;
written by owen, published: 2011-Dec-15, read 6340 times.
Vitaly commented: Frameworks are also a good way to get started. I have years of experience in software development, but not web development. Adopting a light-weight framework allowed me to complete my project in a very short time by not making decisions that's already been made a million times before me. Also, that framework does exactly what I need it to do with minimum overhead, which was the main criteria during framework selection process.
You don't have to upgrade to a new version of framework when it's out. And you can fork framework if needed, too. By the time you decide you want to fork it (if ever) you'll have a very good understanding of its inner workings. There are also will be cases when it's evident from the start that your project is too unconventional to make any use of any existing framework.
Ultimately, the decision to use or not to use a framework should be made for each and every project as with any other tool. So articles "Why X suck" can be written about ANY tool. But articles titled "Pros and cons of X" don't grab as many attention, I guess. ... read 2 more
My Christmas done gone disrupted to the point where i just want to curl up into a ball and hibernate like a bear or a honey badger. Now that I am older and considerably more hairy, sleeping for long periods of time is most comforting, I'm trying to survive the silly season without getting another speeding ticket from a policeman hiding in the bushes. Like thieves. I mean its the middle of the DAY! I still young, I ain't had no kids, why you gotta be pushing me man? why you gotta be pushing me?
Did I mention that its cold? So cold that I wish I had breasts, lovely breasts. Can't tell me nothing. I need as much fat as I can get because my skinny frame cannot take these cold floors and cold hearts much longer, I NEED LOVE! More than I could give. The Lion King was a great movie, I stopped watching cartoons after that, what more could you need? Cruel, cruel world. If it makes you happy then why you so sad?
It started raining so bad last week that I thought all the politicians would drown but alas that was not the case. Why God why? It was all good until a week ago. Don't worry I noticed I have alot of question marks in this but I can't help it - I was kinda haphazardly writing this for the past week, in between naps, trying to ward off the unset of flu. Cherish the day. Everyday is Christmas and every night a New Years Eve.