Pimp Juice » Coconut Water
written by owen, published 2011-Nov-23, comment

Can't go wrong with fresh coconut water. buy Jamaican.
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written by owen, published 2011-Nov-23, comment
Can't go wrong with fresh coconut water. buy Jamaican.
comment 1
written by owen, published 2011-Nov-23, comment
At Truck-Stop meetup that for the Send off.
written by owen, published 2011-Nov-11, comment
In the not-too-distant future the aging gene has been switched off. To avoid overpopulation, time has become the currency and the way people pay for luxuries and necessities. The rich can live forever, while the rest try to negotiate for their immortality. A poor young man who comes into a fortune of time, though too late to help his mother from dying. He ends up on the run from a corrupt police force known as 'time keepers'.
Lets start out by saying that its a good movie. Above average. If you look past the constant "time puns" and the fact that the lead actress has very sharp knees. They is also lots of running in the movie - they run everywhere like zebras, which in itself is not bad but the lead actress is running and jumping off roofs in high heals (this lady just can't get some dam flats?). At one point her sharp knees got so much screen time that I had to cover my eyes in share pain and look away.
The movie progresses a along and plays out exactly as in the spoiler-full trailer (better not to watch it). Its kinda weird that everybody is young and the mom is hot milf but you get accustomed to the unnaturalness of it.
I give the movie a 7 out of 10. Not fully fleshed out, no major surprises but still worth a watch at the theatre, sharp knees, lots of running, pointless desires, happy ending.
owen commented: yeah, I'm not sure what it needed to push it into greatness ... read 5 more
written by owen, published 2011-Nov-07, comment
I realize that I will only feel this way for a small period of time, big dreams, gangster. Break, I will love you till the end of time, probably a million years. I prefer to stand in the open space and watch the waves bob and sway. Each one different from the other but the same as the next. Everything works out in the end.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just gets transferred from one form to another like bad fashion - the 80s are never coming back. The bigger the vehicle the more energy it needs to go - its simple laws of physics. Some of this energy has got to lost somewhere.
I took 5 days vacation from work to find myself and what I found was that life is but a series of experiences and sitting in a large groups of people until your legs fall asleep. Fun times. The bank lady said that credit cards are a good thing to have - lol - at the same time she tried to sell me a loan to pay off an existing car loan. Its a dog eat dog world.
Mad Bull commented: Brilliant! Shear Genius! ... read 4 more
written by owen, published 2011-Oct-27, comment
Recently I have been on a path of self discovery, like driving the wrong way down a one-way street and getting stopped by the police for speeding. Goddamn speed traps are everywhere. I hope they use my contribution to nation building for good and not for an early election. Either way you never know where that money goes, its like a wild bear in a forest, roaming around, defecating on your microphone.
I missed my usual morning glass of hard liquor this morning, I must have run out, yet again. It is funny how the things you love the most will slowly but surely kill you. There are things are more important than your habitual need to jerk it off while living out your childhood dream. At some point you just have to go cold turkey and hope that no one notices that you are not the same as you were yesterday. Its the freak en weekend. I will drink to that.
I often walk up to the awful fast food restaurant for lunch, not because I enjoy putting myself in mortal danger but because I try not to be the same. I think there is something to be gained from sitting in a room full of strangers who like to eat bad food. There is also the added benefit of seeing grown women pop their breasts out to feed their 4 year old baby - I am not sure that at that age you can call the child a baby anymore. These fries taste as if they are under cooked, still its not that bad because a some of them are burnt.