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Logbook » Rocketman

written by owen, published 2011-Aug-02, comment

Every now and again something goes wrong in the universe and you have to work on the weekend. Even after careful preparation and taping all the wires theres bound to be something that goes horribly wrong, the planets will align against you causing the inevitable collapse of everything into a spiralling black hole of wasted effort. At times like these you have no choice but to experiment with your chicken sandwich and put plantains in it - I love plantains. I took a picture. I will post it later.

In other news : hard times are getting harder. Gas prices are through the roof. People are losing thier heads. I passed a woman parked pecuriously on the inside of a fast turn on the highway. Usually I would proceed to blow my horn as I passed but that only came as a after thought. I zoomed by her at the speed limit and I could barely see inside the car. I am not sure if she was dead or her Mitsubishi Lancer had just ran out of gas. I thought about it for about 10 minutes on my ride home. My mind trying to calculate the possibility of me turning back around and checking if she was ok. I forgot about it eventually.

Its another independence day and I've yet to make it to ATI and its not getting any cheaper to produce hurricanes early enough in the season to kill them all but still there is always the possibility of a out break of dengae fever. It must have been a long weekend because my beard sprung up like a wild bush. I hate to go to work like this and have them find out that I am not the man they think I am at home. But I'm a rocketman burning out his fuse, they would find out sometime.

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Food and Eats » Plantain - Chicken Sandwich

written by owen, published 2011-Jul-28, comment

I was having a rare moment of brilliance when I decided to combine my 2 favourite things; plantains and Island Grill chicken sandwich. Yes and it was delicious. You are welcome.

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Aurie commented: Lawks...mi hungry now!!! ... read 2 more

E3 2011 sucks, plus Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo Sucks RANT

written by owen, published: 2011-Jul-24, read 4440 times.

Movies » Transformer: Dark of the moon review

written by owen, published 2011-Jul-17, comment

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Transformers was a pointless, leggy, souless mess but I liked the megan fox version better. I give it a 6 out of 10. I watched it in 3d but I cannot remember anything in the movie that warrented the 3d glasses. I am always in awe of people who clap at transforming robots, seriously? Megan fox looks better running in the desert in her white jeans, this new girl has long legs but cannot run to save her life, I'm surprised that something didn't fall on her. The guy sitting behind me exclaimed: "All this for one woman?". I fail to even see why they are humans in these movies anymore, dudes still shooting machine guns at robots that could easly step on them, it was all pointless. Save you money.

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Jammy commented: i fell asleep while watching it... [confused] ... read 1 more

Food and Eats » Crabbit Thursdays at Carlos Cafe - Belmont Road

written by Tami, published 2011-Jul-13, comment

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I recently attended the weekly "Crabbit" event at Carlos Cafe on Belmont Road, New Kingston. The charge is about $850+GCT and you eat all the crabs with Garlic Bread that you can.

There was a variety of specially prepared cook crabs to choose from such as Garlic Crabs, Peppered Crabs, Oyster and Ginger Crab and Curry Crab.

comment on this food 5

owen commented: I thought you hated crabs? ... read 4 more