My initial impressions of google plus, and yes it sucks
written by owen, published: 2011-Jul-10, read 13806 times.
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written by owen, published: 2011-Jul-10, read 13806 times.
owen commented: well you sir/mam are dilusional ... read 7 more
written by owen on 2011-Jul-06, Answer this question5
Tami answered: I hate the fad around Blackberrys. If you don't have one you're seen as ancient. I've been trying it out to see if it fits my style however i feel targetted on the road with it, like i can't use my own phone in public for the fear of being held up and robbed. I heard that a few years ago a student from UWI got cut up by a man on a get-a-way bicycle for one. ... read 4 more
written by owen, published 2011-Jun-24, comment
**NOTE**: This video is NOT meant to make a mockery of the unfortunate destruction caused by the recent rains in Mavis Bank. I hope the best for them all, as well as a quick response to fix the bridge
written by owen, published 2011-Jun-23, comment
Colors in circles
Gods Child commented: Whitey cloud? Really? It sounds like a person who does not speak english thought up that brand name. ... read 8 more
written by owen, published 2011-Jun-23, comment
I drew up a little info graphic for a puzzle game I made last month. You have no idea the amount of time I spend on projects that exist for the sole purpose of satisfying my need to solve a list of constantly evolving problems. I get a mental orgasm every time I get 10 lines of program code to come together in synchronous harmony at 60 frames per second. One thing is solved and then I add something else, something bigger and that thing needs be solved as well. I should start a game programming blog or something.
Few people can relate to a world in which they are both the slave and master at the same time. A world where all your limits are clearly outlined and yet at the same time filled with potential problems to solve. It takes time - lots of time. Sometimes it takes so long that I have to organise a committee meeting in my brain in order to come to a reasonable resolution between the parties involved.
You are the potter of the clay. It does not apply to everything though, because some problems are just no solvable in a short period of time. And other people cannot see the value in diligently and patience checking every single possible solution to a problem which could easily be solved by just not doing it all. Its almost like making a crossword puzzle for yourself and making it so complicated that you yourself to played it in a parallel dimension you would think it was really cool.